Dennis is a retired Colonel living with his wife, Barbara, in Tecumseh, KS. Some of these Posts are filtered through the memory of a "not so Young Man" and you might have to utilize your built in crap detector to filter truth from memory errors. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum. If you wish for peace, prepare for War. Our current Congress is "Stupid with zeros on the end...
The Aughts, 2000-2009

Kansas Winters
It's winter in Kansas
And the gentle breezes blow,
70 miles per hour at 25 below!
Oh, how I love Kansas
When the snow's up to your butt;
You take a breath of winter air
And your nose is frozen shut
Yes, the weather here is wonderful,
I guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave Kansas,
'Cause I'm frozen to the ground
Funny Stories
Colonel Terry Maple
More than 800 dedicated men and women are proud to serve the citizens of Kansas as members of the Patrol. They work hard and strive for excellence in public safety and traffic safety.
Since 1937, Kansas State Troopers have offered Service, Courtesy, and Protection to the residents of the Sunflower State and to its millions of yearly visitors. The men and women of the Patrol look forward to continuing this long-standing tradition year after year.
Thank you for your interest in the Kansas Highway Patrol. We continually update our Web site with new information, so please visit us often.
My wife worked with COL Maple's wife for many years and they are a fine pair of Kansan's. I dedicate these jokes to the men and women of the Kansas Highway patrol. These stories were told to me by a Highway Patrolman now retired. This isn't to add veracity to the tales, just thought you would like to hear what they talk about.
When he was a fairly new Sergeant he was out on patrol one Holiday weekend and a trooper asked for help on the radio. He said he had been on an on ramp and clocking the traffic and a car had gone by so fast he couldn't catch up. The Sergeant asked how fast the car was going? The reply was that the headlights were going at least 130, the taillights were going 130 and he was pretty sure everything in between was doing the same speed.
When a patrolman stopped a speeder, he told the driver how fast he clocked the car. The driver swore he was only doing 70. The patrolman said that he was proud to witness a miracle. The driver asked what the miracle was. The patrolman said that while the inside of the car may have been going 70, the outside was doing 85.
On his last day in the field, the Lieutenant was out in his patrol sector and spotted a speeder. He pulled the guy over and told him that in his 20 years on the force, he seldom hears a new story. He said that on his last day out on the highway, if the driver could tell him one he hadn't heard, he would be allowed to go free. The driver said there had been a mistake. About a month ago his wife had run off with a Highway patrolman and the driver was just sure that the Highway Patrolman was trying to bring her back. The speeder was allowed to go.
Post Snow Blues

5 - Buckle Overshoes

have a great and safe day out there.
Snow's S'not Funny
Things here in the heartland are pretty, pretty deep in snow. Here I am trying to get my tractor over to where the snow blade is located. Old me, old car and a flag in the background. Hey, isn't that the title for a Country Song. Took me about an hour to get the tractor started and the chains on. I made one pass out the drive and blew a chain. I came in to warm up and didn't get back out.
I am not sure if I will even try to get out in the snow again today. I may attempt to make it to the store as Barb tells me we are out of dish washing soap, popcorn and hot chocolate. We seriously have enough food to last at least another week.
I cooked my first duck the other day. It was very expensive and didn't yield near the meat that even a chicken does. A six pound duck was barely enough meat for four people. The package had an orange sauce in it and "Duck la Orange" was pretty good. I was put off by the greasy meat when I de-boned the duck. After a short stay in the fridge it wasn't bad. Don't think it will be on my short list of things to eat soon.
I think I will go up and make the last of the smashed potatoes into pancakes for breakfast. That and a good cup of coffee just might inspire me for another adventure in the snow.
Dave just called and he was finally able to dig his car out of the drift and made it in and out of his driveway. I saw some red way up the drive out by the mailbox and found three days of newspapers in one package. Now if the drifts will let me get to the store so I don't have to do dishes by hand.
Deep Snow
I am now going to stay in and stay warm.
Christmas Story
On Christmas morning, the room I was in was bright and light shined in the window. I started down the hall to go to the kitchen and I heard a feminine voice say, "Oh, isn't it pretty" I glanced to the right and there was my girl friends mother looking out her bedroom window. She was starkers, nakid, and jumping up and down on the bed.
When I got to the living room to look out the picture window, there was the ground covered with a couple of inches of snow, the sun shinning and a beautiful view of Mount Rainier. I count that day as the day I saw the sun, the mountain, the snow and a moon all in one day in Seattle.
Merry Christmas
Christmas Eve
I guess I really started to talk about Christmas Eve. I don't remember any Christmas traditions from growing up that stand out. The one I do remember is Christmas eve 1968. We fired right up to the Midnight cease fire and at midnight we stopped. Instead of the peace on earth I expected, I felt like it was one of the spookiest times. It was dark and quiet. That combination was not a good thing. To really make it feel bad, we couldn't fire illumination rounds when other people felt the same way. I don't recall too many battles breaking out, just a feeling of being unsettled. In our Fire Direction Center, there was always a good game of rook being played. We all hoped that we would get a new version of Jeopardy from home. I don't know how many versions we had at the time, but we had played every game several times.
One special treat I allowed myself there at the start of the cease fire was to dip into my stash of scotch. My sister Myrna sent me a bottle of cleaner for Christmas. I wondered what she was up to until I opened it and smelled the aroma of a good scotch. That went into a 2 quart canteen and mixed with H2O it was a wonderful treat. I'll bet the guys wondered what the hell the LT was up to sitting over there with that silly grin on his face.
I hope you find a Christmas tradition you like and spend your time with family.
Sucker Punch

Here It Comes!
I had my heart all set on smoking a duck on the grill. Looks like it Will be one of those days I will want to put the grill on hold and just use the oven. Dang I hate it when that happens.
I am going to try out a new motto. IO had been using the I have everything I need.... and now I think I will try out. "There is no end to new things electronic and I have a son who works at Best Buy." Kind of catchy isn't it. Like his wife says, "Not so Much." Oh well, I will have more time to ponder over the next couple of days.
I would wish you a Merry Christmas eve but as Pickles in the funny papers said it is only December 23rd.
Did Ch'a Notice?
One more day of warm weather before the cold front arrives means that there is more warm moist air moving up from the Gulf of Mexico and we could be up to our wazoo in snow for Christmas. We weren't going to go anywhere but you never know when we need to sneak over to Walgreen's for Eggnog.
On the coffee front, I bought a big bag of freshly roasted beans and put them in the drip pot today. (I ran then through the grinder at the store.) Pretty sad. Either the big heaping tablespoons weren't enough or the beans were weak. I'll put more in the basket tomorrow and see if that is the problem. I sure hope so as the coffee beans weren't the cheap ones. They also stunk up the house so at least they have a strong smell.
Yesterday I trimmed the branches that have grown up on the back of the garage on Valley Brook. Yes, today I have to go over and fix the guttering I knocked off. Oh well, it'll all look good when it is done.
Merry Christmas?

Now with at least a half a century of stored Christmas memories, where do the facts start and the thoughts (or stories) end? Who knew that the prettiest girl and the best singer in the High School choir would wind up kissing like a dead fish? Who knew that the guy who threw his fatigue hat in the ditch as he drove out the gate at Fort Carson would wind up retiring as a Colonel from the Guard? Who knew that the guy that worked for General Motors would drive a Ford? Who knew that at the end of his career, that kid would find out that he loved teaching when it was far too late?
I guess all I can say is that I hope your dreams, fantasies and realities get mixed up and you to can find a good reason to have a Merry Christmas. Yes, I will not give up to the Politically Correct Crowd and wish anyone a happy holidays. You celebrate yours in your way and I will write what I want in my blog. After all, it is my blog.
I am re posting the meaning of my name one more time. In a time far away, and a city a couple of hundred miles from here, I worked in a gas station. It was a Phillips 66 station and it was owned by my brother-in-law, Rich. My sister would stop by every once in a while and in the back of the station wagon were the loves of my life, Janet and Carrie. I loved to go out and stick my head up and growl at them and they would shriek and giggle. Most of the time I would get a kiss on the cheek and a hug after our fun.
One hot summer day, I snuck up slowly and I am pretty sure the girls didn't see me. I did my growl bit and they both reacted in the normal manner. Only, this time Carrie got her feet caught up in a blanket and she fell. Back in the day, Station Wagons had fold down seats and across the back of the 2nd seat was a metal trim piece that wouldn't make the safety grade today but hell, most cars then (1962) didn't even have seat belts. As luck would have it, Carrie as she fell hit her mouth on the edge of that seat and broke a couple of teeth.
As she was eating an ice cream bar to sooth the hurt, She sobbed, Mean Uncle Denny! Yep'er, MUD's the name. This story came to you based on a request at the Family party. Yes, as you can see from the picture above, Carrie is a beautiful woman today and has a pretty set of teeth.
Soup's On

One of the parts I love about the Petty Party is that we make soup and everyone tries a lot of different kinds. I have been working on a Seafood Gumbo for a couple of years and have it about where I want it. I need to take it to a family gathering to have other people to eat it. The MG doesn't like seafood, except Tuna - Which I can't abide. Oh well the stock is ready and the seafood all cooked. All I need to do is to warm it all up in a couple of hours.
Just so you know, it is snowing a very fine snow out there and it is about 30 degrees. This is the kind of weather that in February has been known to bury us in a foot of snow. For some reason, I don't think there is enough moisture in the air to let it really dump on us.
Today is known as Giant Saturday to the retail outlets and I hope Dave can avoid getting called in. Oh well, Merry Christmas to you all.
Can you believe that they found pot on Lil' Wayne's tour bus? Duh, that's like going to McDonald's and finding a happy meal. When are we going to expect the police to start arresting the real criminals and quit busting the low hanging fruit for MJ? How many people are we going to put in jail for Pot and avoid the Cocaine traffickers in Southern California? It has been said that the Police in TJ make more looking the other way when drugs are involved than they do as Police. It is a hell of a lot safer also.

Gotta run, miles to go, people to see.
Thursday Thoughts

Another picture in the Christmas ornament collection of the Petty's is Kristin DeMauro, who is now an Honor Student in High School. She also plays the clarinet in the marching band and I hear she is pretty good at "Rock Star". One of our favorite people.
Wednesday Words

Yesterday I made a Road trip over to Fort Riley. Talk about change. It is amazing that the main post is mostly the same rock buildings as it ever was and the outlying areas are so modern. The joke, told forever, was that General Custer told them I'll be back is a month or so, don't change anything. The new PX is down by the gate into Junction City. The old PX up on the hill is now a furniture store and clothing sales with a food court thrown in. For the most part, Camp Forsyth was WWII Barracks and a place where ROTC and the National Guard camped. Not any more. That area has been updated and is filled with houses. Talk about your busy traffic places.
I am playing with the way I make coffee. I have one of those auto drip kind and a French press. It takes two different kinds of grinds and need to settle down and use just one. I love the convenience of the auto drip and the fact that I just throw out a filter, coffee and all. I also love that I am not left with a bunch of grounds that need to be rinsed down the drain. I haven't quite found the right amount of coffee for the French Press. I guess a lot of the difference is the fact that I need to break down and buy a better coffee for the auto drip. In Alabama last year we had the Starbucks morning blend and it was pretty great. I have been buying the house brand in the 3 lb can at Dillon's and it is just OK. What do you use?
Better get rolling. Places to go, people too see.
No Drillin'

Each morning I go out to get the paper and try to guess the temperature. Yesterday it started cold and got colder all day. Today it is cold and hopefully will warm up some. The indicated temperature was 6 with a slight "Wind freeze factor". Not the kind of day that most of us want to spend outside early. I'm not exactly sure where the cat was, but he was johnny on the spot when I called for him with food in my hand. I'll bet he is out on the deck in the sun soon.
This week has been an interesting piece of work. I have been reading a couple of books I read much earlier. I am surprised of how little I remember from either one. The Naked Prey book by John Sandford was the book that got me interested in the Prey series. I guess I will need to try to find the entire series and read it in order. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact it is set in Minnesota and I hate to read about cold places when it is so darned cold outside.
I am beginning to wonder when the "Barb" stays home temperature is reached. Yesterday with it just getting colder all day and a pretty good breeze, Barb just didn't want to go out at all. Normally when it is snowy, I can find Barb camera in hand outside at least once a day. Not yesterday, most of the snow went away the day before and it never cleared off. Neither did she.
Is that truly the happy stage in life when you can stay where you want most of the time?
For all you KU Fans out there, I hope you are as thrilled with the new coach as I am. Turner Gill is a winner and his offensive and defensive coordinators are from the same mold. A new style and attitude will blow into Lawrence next year and in a couple of years we will see Football back in the winning place. With the addition to a couple of big running backs they could play with any body.
Oh well, better get on with my day. have a great one out there.
Decision Making 101
On the other hand, my brilliant son David, will often take out a coin and flip it for the answer. I would like to believe I find the right answer more often than he does, but sadly he knows the answer is seldom correct but a choice and he doesn't struggle with the problem or worry about his answer once it's made. Love that kid.
Monday, and I have an Apt with the Dentist

I am not sure which team I like better. I'm not sure if it was worse when the Chiefs played so poorly that there was no chance they would win or the chiefs that defense their ass off and then lose. Yes, I again watched the Big Red on TV. They manage to fill the stands but it was harder this time to get people out. The good news was that at at noon Sunday it was the warmest day of the week.
I think KU has picked a winner for their new Football Coach. Turner Gill was a winner at Nebraska and will represent the University well. Will he be the last coach they every fire or replace. NOT! he will be a good coach and bring a great staff with him. Personally I think KU should start with finding Lew Perkins a new place to work and find an AD that is worth the big bucks he makes.
Oh well, I had better get my ball rolling this morning and get ready for the trip to EDTA.
Words to the Wise!

One of my new blog buddies down there in the country where they eat ditch crickets gave us the advice that all good Christians should forgive Tiger Woods as he is no worse than the rest of us. I've been a thinkin' about that and realized that I am just all full of advice and haven't unloaded, er shared it with you in a while. Here is my good advice, and worth exactly what you pay for it:
- If it is stupid and works, it ain't stupid.
- If you do more than your fair share on a regular basis, you will be given more than your fair share to do. (Success is its own punishment.)
- If things are going well, it's probably an ambush.
- When in doubt about what to do, always try to do the harder thing to do (But remember the fair share saying above)
- Income must in the long run exceed or be equal to outgo.
- If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
- The best system in the world to get out of debt won't work unless you pay off your debts.
- If you do what you did, you will continue to get what you got. If you are in a hole, quit diggin'.
- If you aren't the lead dog, quite often the view won't change.
- Can mind your elders and don't mind your elders both be true? They lived too long to learn new lessons so why fight to change them.
- If someone offers you a deal too good to pass up, pass it up and do it real fast.
- Interest is based on risk. There is no such thing as a guaranteed high rate of return unless it is 100% and then it won't pay much.
- They need to rename it from a Ponzi Scheme to a Madoff scheme. Ponzi was a piker.
- If the temperature is below 32 degrees, it is a wind freeze factor not a wind chill. You can put on a sweater for a chill. Below 32 degrees you damn sure better have a coat handy.
- The important things are always simple.
- The simple things are always hard. (Huh?)
- Planning is great until the first bullet flies and then get ready to change. Failing to change when it gets tough will leave you in places you shouldn't be.
- If you are given a chance to cry or laugh, Laugh your ass off. Drives them crazy. The Petty corollary to this is smile and make them wonder what you've been up to.
- Every once in a while, move you might just be in someone's cross hairs.
Venting 101

55 Posts about Barb's Opinion Article
We all need to take stock of our values right now. What is it we want from our government? Because of the decline in tax revenues, we cannot continue to expect the same level of services.
Do you want the police to protect you and your property? Do you want the fire department to respond quickly when you have a fire? Do you want our children to get an education that leads to a job that will support them so they can pay taxes?
The way we pay for those needed services is with taxes. Tax is not a dirty word - especially at the state and local level, where we see the benefits of our taxes every day. Politicians who say "No new taxes" are only kidding themselves. We've gone backwards in funding many basic services. It's time to move forward.
Science vs Philosophy - Is God Real?
Ben Stein reported that the Scientific Community has in effect censored the discussion between scientists as to the facts about God. He has a video that talks about the problem. http://www.expelledthemovie.com/ It seems that the Schools have been shutting down anyone that tries to prove if god is real. I think it is still OK to ask the question in the Philosophy Departments but god help you if you are in one of the physical science departments.
I don't get it. If there is a way to prove or disprove if God exists, why is it wrong to look? Shouldn't we examine every rock if there is a possibility of a superior or supreme being existing? With all the scientists out there, surely there is one or two that could be allowed to look without our world shutting down.
On to the Philosophy Department. I would think that anything that could be done to prove or disprove a theory would be welcomed. I am not sure that how to think is more or less important than what you believe. I think you can understand political systems without being a communist, a socialist or a Republican. I do have trouble understanding how failed systems get replicated and why people don't see how bad some types of Governments are.
One of the things Ben Stein said was that an underpinning of our country was Freedom. We were a country started with the intent let you believe what you want to believe. I don't think there was any idea that we would almost split into two camps with many people not wanting to allow there to be a difference of opinion. Who died and made you god? Oh, that's where this little discussion started. Oh well.
Thoughts of Winter
I would apologise for not knowing if it was Myrna or Carol but they were older than me and I never saw either one of them at this age. Another one of the cute Petty kids.
A week from tomorrow we will have our family gathering over in Lawrence. We have made it a tradition to have everyone bring a pot of soup, at least one old paperback (most bring a sack full) a white elephant gift and a good smile. If you go home empty or sad from a gathering like that, it is your own damn fault. We are just getting most of the little kids out of High School and are starting a new round of new members of the Clan. We have Bubba Austin now and will add Asa Bob's little one, Ellie May, sometime soon. For some reason Elizabeth has already been given a nick name and no one liked my idea of Lizzy. I guess that poem about Lizzy giving her mom 40 whacks just keeps that one from reaching popularity.
Barb finally got her letter to the editor published. It is a pro Tax letter right when we have several thousand in property tax to pay. I guess she is right that the local taxes go to support the fire department, the sheriff and the schools. We deserve to pay for the best they can give. It is those pesky federal Income Taxes we pay on retirement income. I guess when you have it to pay, you should just pay it and shut up.
Oh well, don't stress over the Holiday preparations. Don't sweat the Petty stuff or pet the sweaty stuff.

As a kid, My uncle lived with us during the summers and worked second shift at Beech. I think he was attending a Junior College in Hutchinson and working on a teaching degree. One summer, I noticed that Hazen had a first baseman's glove in his car. It had laid in the rear window until it was black on one side and brown on the other. I asked him if I could use that glove to play little league. "Sure Kid." I was in hog heaven. Then I realized that the glove was so stiff that it was all I could do to hold it open to catch a ball.
I asked my dad if we could go to the hardware store and buy some neatsfoot oil for the glove. Nah, I have just the thing for the glove. "Tallow." Now imagine, if you will, that someone takes a very old sheep and puts it in water. That horrible old smell of wool condensed into a grease that was way beyond rancid. Rub that stuff on the glove and even the dog wouldn't chew on it.
In fact, that glove smelled so bad that when I used it, the team would make me leave it outside the dug out between innings. I don't remember anyone ever asking to use it.
I went to Vietnam on the USNS Geiger and we were served meals in a pretty fancy dining room. The waiters actually took your order and served you. Somewhere mid trip, Mutton appeared on the menu. The kid from Kansas had no idea what the hell it was but at least once I would try about anything. The first bite of mutton tasted like that glove. The more I chewed that mutton, the bigger it got and the more convinced that there was no way I was ever going to swallow any or all of it. I finally had to spit it out in my napkin and excuse myself from the table. At least I could take an apple and get the taste out of my mouth. There wasn't even any booze on the ship to help get rid of that taste.
OH well, no mutton for me.
Zero Degree Days

The juncos are here early this morning picking up any stray thistle seeds beneath the finch feeder. Before it got too cold, there was a possum that would come each night but at zero, that possum is playing possum somewhere down in the woods. A fluffed up finch just showed up to see if there was anything worth eating. I just went out and filled the suet block feeder as they had pecked that basket empty in one day. There were two red bellied woodpeckers sitting on the porch post that didn't fly off and lose their position in line. There is almost always one on the post and one on the feeder all day.
What is it that brings out the insanity of people when the roads are slick? I drove to the Post Office and the Grocery store yesterday and returned home safely. There were a bunch of accidents out there and one that left two in critical condition. One truck slid down an off ramp and almost totaled a police car parked by another accident. It ain't the getting too fast that's the problem people, its the stopping. You would think 4 wheel drive would some how equate to 4 wheel stop. Not so much. It just means that you are in a 4 wheel skid faster. If your wheels aren't in contact with anything that provides friction, you are just going to go whatever direction you were headed. Oh well.
I am kind of keeping track of what kind of mail we get. So far this week it has been only bills and Holiday shopping guides. No, wait, Barb got one letter from the Master Gardner's and it was a photo copy of an e-mail. If that isn't irony, I don't know what is. They have her e-mail address and should have sent it to her as an e-mail. It was a wasted 37 cents.
Yesterday when I was at the Post office, a guy bought a book of stamps. You know, those forever stamps that are forever good for one first class postage. (Or until you lose them in the desk) I told him to make sure that once he used up the stamps on the front of the paper to be sure to look on the back. It is covered with stamps too. I'll bet a lot of people take off the last stamp on the front of the paper and throw it away. Another guy asked the head guy if they needed him to deliver anything. He said he was a retired postal worker and does part time work during the holidays. There were two customers in the post office and three people at the counter. The rest of the world was home safely with the exception of the idiots mentioned earlier. Just for the record, the paper said that fully equipped, the police cars are just shy of $40,000. Those computers, radios and shotguns are expensive.

Things that Refuse to Change

With that said, there is a bunch of technology that needs to be hurried up and changed. We need to cut our dependence on fossil fuels as quickly as possible. We need to start building our houses with R-30 walls and R-50 ceilings. We need to have passive solar built in to our houses so the sun that heats the outside can be moved inside to even out the temperature. We need to allow more people to move stored energy into the grid during the day and find a way to get it back at night.
How inefficient is it having a fiber optic line brought to our houses and not being able to use the full capacity. Why do we have a Cable TV, a land line phone, meter readers when a very small modem can do all of those things? I predict that someone will finally figure it all out and make a small fortune. I am waiting for AT&T to morph into the Fiber Optic Network and bring us everything we need. OK, change that to Fiber United Network and call it FUN for short.
When is there going to be a simple storage battery that makes transportation cheap and easy. Imagine a Prius that has storage batteries for the first 100 miles and the gasoline motor is used only to get home. Our solar charger is collecting electricity during the day and that charge is applied to our electric vehicle battery at night. We have a small generator to make electricity and the exhaust heat of that generator is used to heat our home. If you really want to go amazing, use the sun to breakdown water into Hydrogen and Oxygen and burn that as a fuel to heat our homes.
Nothing is free, but limiting ourselves to the old technology when we should know that not investing in some of the changes will pay its self back is stupid. As a prime example, Russia and the United States could have carpet bombed Afghanistan with money for all the money they have spent there in a war. Go as far back as the English and we could have moved every man woman and child from there to anywhere in the world to live in a lifestyle of the rich.
Oh well, enough of this change talk, it makes me want to take a nap for a change.
Getting Ready for Christmas

Someone left the Refrigerator door open and it snowed about three inches last night. They are predicting a lot more with a pretty good wind by this evening. We will do OK with just snow, but throw in the wind and the road crews can't clear as fast as it drifts. We'll see.
A really good question for the day is when is the Post Office going to become obsolete? Most of the mail I get is junk mail with a few bills thrown in. When everyone starts to pay their bills online, there will be little use for the Mail as we know it.
Thinking outside of the box, there is also a new handheld computer move out there that gives us connectivity to the net without a lot of computing power. I am also hearing a lot of talk about "Cloud Storage" that will take the need for software out of our hands. The program we would use for writing, record keeping/storing, processing pictures and memory storage will reside in the hands of our server. I'm sure that the big guys are saying speed costs money and just how fast do you want to go? Imagine that TV's will have a built in slot for our handhelds and the screen will be the display for times we want to see our screen in a big way. I saw a flexible keyboard the other day at a store for $14.00. It rolls up into a 3" log about four inches long.
Oh well, off to play in the snow.
1st Winter Storm

Important Announcement from PFISER
This is the follow on drug in the testing that included LSD and Viagra. That drug was reported to make you think you had an erection if the Viagra didn't work. That drug was withdrawn because of the adverse reaction in Texas where the test group already had delusions of grandure.
Thank you for your time.
Kenny's 50th Birthday

I went over to the Valley Brook house yesterday and spent about 4 hours cleaning and organizing things. For the most part, things are pretty good but there are a lot of things I need to do that I'm just not sure the weather will allow. The garage needs a good coat of paint and a lot of the bushes need trimmed up. There is still a couple of places where I need to put trim back on the wall and around the door into the room from the converted garage. I will take the table saw and the cross cut saw back over one day next week and get that done.
Dave and his wife Barb came over for pizza last night. Dave has one of those early winter colds and runs between stuffed up and going through Kleenex. He can keep the cold. Since my blood pressure won't let me take antihistamines I try to keep from getting colds. Oh well, life goes on.
My renter just called and wants to put an electric stove in the storage area over on 29th. Better get my act together.
Short Story too long for Facebook
Mark Mangino has been paid more money than most of us will make in a lifetime. Take the money and run. (or at least waddle fast) Go on a diet (or get a bypass), get healthy, live long and prosper Mark. You weren't the first, and you won't be the last.
Cold Days?

I was going to put a picture of the girl in the bikini bottoms that showed up on Kansas Avenue yesterday but the online (CJONLINE) didn't put it online. It was about 30 degrees in downtown Topeka and there was a PETA person running around in panties and pasties. BRRRRRRR!
The other cold thing today is the reception Coach Mangino got when he was finally told to pack his bags and go eat at someone else's buffet for a while. Win the National Coach of the year and two years later get fired for not winning. Such are the vagaries of the coaching profession. When is K-State going to fire their Basketball coach for the same kind of behavior? Man up and find someone to coach not embarrass young men.
It got down into the teens last night and when I put out the trash this morning, the outside kitty slipped into the garage for a nap on the tractor seat. I'll go out and take him outside to the cat house in a little while. May even move the cat house back to the south side of the deck where the sun hits it. I darn sure would be napping in the sun if I were him.
My brother lives in Tulsa and has season tickets to TU's basketball games. Imagine his pleasure seeing that TU beat OU. I guess the Sooners will have a bad day in basketball like football.
Oh well, all's well that ends....
Minor Emergency
Sure enough, the rule of everything breaks in the most inconvenient place held true. Perhaps the factory that assembled the mess didn't figure that having a water reducer right above a furnace duct was any big thing. Thank god I brought the right plumbing tools and could cut the old valve out and replace it with a new one. I will leave the recovering of the entire mess until it has a chance to dry out a little and it is a little warmer. Thank god the entire foundation is secure and it wasn't too cold inside the crawl space.
We made a run to Lawrence to do a little shopping and to get away for lunch. I really like to go into the HiVee store there and pick up a few things. Their meat counter is like the old fashion meat counter and you can see what you are buying and the butcher will package it up for you. They also do some nice grilling items that I use when it is a lot warmer. I think the day time high today was only 30 so I won't be out on the grill today.
Have a great week and enjoy the preparation for the holiday.
Oh No!

We went to a dinner for the Master Gardner program last night and man do those people also know how to cook. It was a pot luck style and the food was just great. Anyone that went home hungry did so out of their own doing. At the end of the buffet line was the desserts. There was a really great looking pie that was just calling out my name. At first I thought it was pumpkin but the bottom layer was cool whip so it was pretty clear that it hadn't been baked. It turned out to be a pumpkin colored layer of pudding with a really great spice flavor. I think if you worked with it a little, you could have used a pumpkin pie spice flavor and it would have been tough to tell the difference. I think this close after Thanksgiving everyone tried to avoid most of the traditional dishes.
Did I mention pie again? The average American eats 8 slices of pie each year. OK, who out there is letting the average down? I have had that many since the first of October. By the end of Christmas I figure I will be well over 15 or so slices. Oh well, their loss my weight gain.
This morning here in the Heartland the wind is blowing from the north at least 25 MPH. It is a cold dry wind and probably won't meet any moisture from the south to cause snow. It is only 30 degrees but with the wind it feels a lot colder. Barb started to list some of the winterising things she wanted done this morning and I reminded her that the last three days were in the 60's and that would have been a great time to bring some of that up. I want it to go on the record that in spite of watching Martha Stewart, Barb admitted to being "Not Perfect."
Oh well, I'll probably be outside this afternoon. have a great day out there.