Dennis is a retired Colonel living with his wife, Barbara, in Tecumseh, KS. Some of these Posts are filtered through the memory of a "not so Young Man" and you might have to utilize your built in crap detector to filter truth from memory errors. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum. If you wish for peace, prepare for War. Our current Congress is "Stupid with zeros on the end...
'Nother Rainy Day in the Heartland
OK Mother Nature, give us a day or two to let everything dry our/firm up. I don't mind the 30 degree weather if you wouldn't let it snow to make sure we see the sprinkles. Yes, we are ready for warmer/dryer weather. I feel like a little kid with band aids all over my fingers. I bought a set of those CUTCO knives and they are sharp as hell. Even the steak knives will cut the end of your finger off if you sneeze as you take it out of the holder. I bought a box of Band Aids to cover the biopsy on my nose and have used that box up on my fingers. Speaking of that, let me tell you about my trip to the new Drug Store CVS in Lawrence. As I drove through Lawrence I stopped to buy Band Aids as the one I had on my finger was just too big for my index finger. I went to the First Aid section and there on the top row was more kinds of band aids than you could ever want. Most were the kind that had several sizes and even those little round dots that are never big enough to cover anything bigger than a zit on your nose. The House brand was on sale at 2.35 for a box of 30 and I selected them and went to the cash register. The lady asked me if I had a CVS card and when I said no, rang up the purchase. They rang up at 2.99 and I told her that 2.99 is the wrong price. She said that the cheaper price was with a card not cash. She picked up a card and beeped it and I got the cheaper price. I asked her to look at the tag on an item right behind her and see if she could read the words "with CVS Card" on the little tag. The with card was in black letters so small that they didn't even come up to the level of fine print. They were also printed on a red portion of the tag not on the Yellow part announcing the price. I put card in my bag and promptly threw it away. I won't do business there any more. I love Walgreen's and will take my business back there. MUD

- Yesterday Blogspot saved my blog without any spacing between the paragraphs and I didn't care enough to change it back. This morning I saw that one of the writers for the local paper put bullets at the start of each paragraph to make each paragraph look more important. I don't know how important they are but here it is.
- Yesterday was work on the tractor day here at Rabbit Run. Normally in the spring, I have to push the tractor over by the driveway and jump start it or put the battery charger on it for an hour or two. I went out, set the choke, cranked it for about 10 seconds and it started up like a champ. I thought so far, so good. I drove down by the tiller to hook it up. Again, it went smoothly. I drug the tiller down by the driveway and fastened it securely to the draw bar. Again so easy that there just had to be something worse waiting. I hooked up the tiller and the hydraulic hoses and bang, one of the hoses busted and sprayed hydraulic oil all over the place. I reached for the ignition switch to shut it off and bumped the lever to let it go forward. The only part of the Crown Vic that wasn't oily got that way quick. The good news is that my next move got it all shut down quick. In the end, tractor Supply Company had the correct hoses and it didn't take me as long to fix the hoses as it did to wash the car. On to the real reason I hooked up the tiller. I drove out to the garden and made several passes to turn in the compost and manure in. It was just on the wet side but because of all the straw in the compost it worked. Once I set the gate post it will be all good. Barb wants to get the early plants in the ground and then have them protected from the rabbits.
- The other day, Ethan, my great nephew, changed his profile picture to that of a squirrel. He said Beware of the Squirrel. It reminded me of the story about my daddy and his trip to the park as a boy. Someone had taught the squirrels to come right up to people to get handouts. For some reason Dad thought this meant they were tame and wouldn't mind being handled. He reached out and grabbed one. It bit the end of his thumb off. It wasn't too noticeable unless you really looked at the end of that thumb and saw the nail growing around the end. I guess the point is if they can bite through nuts, they can do real damage to fingers.
If your hoses look bad, replace them and don't pet the squirrels.
Just a few Things
I got a call from my Skin Doctor yesterday and I didn't hear what I expected. In my dreams, I thought he would say that the patch of skin he took a biopsy from was just a normal patch and everything was fine. It turns out that after a bunch of years outside in the Military and a few years on a mower, that patch of skin is Actinic Keratosos or Solar Keratosis and it need to be frozen off. Just for the record, Keratosis is pre-cancerous but this is the second place I have have to have removed and the one by my eye was cancerous. I guess that from now on I'll just have to wear a hat more and sunscreen. Oh well, I don't look better well tanned now that I have broached 60. For those of you with grandchildren that saw the candy sushi yesterday, it couldn't be much easier. First step is to make a pan of rice krispies. That's the hard part, stick of butter, marshmallows and rice krispies and a microwave and it is darned simple. Heat, mush and put in a pan. Read the box if you need a recepie. From there, it is your imagination and knowledge of sushi that guides you. The common way here is to cut up the peeps (you get to eat the head if you don't like them peeking out of your sushi) cut up the rice krispies and use fruit roll-ups like the seaweed wrappers. Heck, someone even got adventurous and dipped one of the peep sushi pieces in chocolate. I am pretty sure that you could even heat the little pieces in a microwave and swell the peeps up if you desired. We saved that step for the smores the day before. You probably could add chocolate pieces to the sushi if you wanted but they are pretty sweet with the peeps and fruit roll-ups. I wonder if this would be a good Lent exercise for the kids. They sure seem to have a good time doing it. This is the same crowd that loves a good marshmallow gun fight so be warned that spontaneous giggling may break out. Did you ever notice that things from a few years ago seem to get better and better and often exceed the goodness they really had? Yesterday I had to make a rush to KC and pick up some paperwork from a Lawyer. Right up the street is a Mexican restaurant named Don Chilitos. They are the home of the Texas Cahlupa and Texas Sancho. Both of those are big concoctions that have a wonderful cheese sauce on them. It did take me back about 30 years but not just quite the same. Oh well, what is the same from years past, I know I am not. More, but not the same. The good news from my trip to KC was that the macro lens for the Nikon was on sale and now Barb can take real close pictures of bugs and things. I am looking forward to seeing her talents and great camera products show up on Facebook. Barb just said that she has a hair appointment at 1:30, some Walk Kansas T-shirts to pick up and a book that needs to go to the library. Then she asked me what was on my agenda? Her agenda exceeds mine by three things. MUD
Peep Sushi

My son Dave is one of the most creative guys I know. Every year he and his Nephews, Tyler and Austen, make rice crispy treats and using the rice crispy treats, Peeps (You know those sugar coated marshmallow chicks) and fruit roll ups they make sushi like treats. It is a hoot and they usually leave a plate full of them here. They have too much sugar to eat many but they make a powerful breakfast. They also make my teeth hurt.
Yesterday we had about an inch of snow accumulate on the trees and grass. The good news is that at least here, the ground was too warm for it to accumulate on the driveway and sidewalks. It is kind of pretty in a perverse way. Reminds you of all the snow and cold all winter without causing you to need to get out the shovel. I just looked out the window to see what birds are here for a hand out. I saw the first House Finch I have seen this year. They have red feathers where the gold finches have yellow. I don't know if he is going to stay the summer or just passing through, I generally see them in numbers only for short periods a couple of times a year.
I won't bother you with fake tears over a Basketball team. I am proud to be a Kansan, a graduate of KU and a fan that loves to watch young men play roundball. 'Nuff said... In my world, more young men would stay all four years and graduate as well as play ball. The NBA isn't where most are going and a degree is a great stepping stone for the future.
I am not sure what is on my schedule for today, other than a trip to WalMart to get some dog food.
Elite 8
I sure hope the KU JayHawks are listening to the coach and aren't taking the high seeding of VCU for granted. Once the Big Dance starts it is up to the team to play the team they face on the floor not their ranking. So far ar they have been doing that almost all year. I was really not surprised that Texas caught the team after they had pulled an all nighter over T-Rob's mother's death. K-State had a lot to play for and the team just never got over the really bad start. With that said, the hawks have played every one else to a victory this year and I sure hope they can continue that success. 38-2 would make them one win better than the 2008 team. Rock Chalk. We are having company over for supper today and I have cooked a brisket. It is setting in BBQ sauce right now waiting to go into the oven about 3:30. Throw in some garlic mashed potatoes, some green beans, corn on the cob and a raw veggie tray and it will be good eats here at rabbit run. Sandy, Dave's mother-in-law from Vegas is in town with her mother and it is always nice to get to see her and Kyler and Austen for a visit. In a couple of weeks we'll be in Vegas for a return visit. I can't see what has a squirrel all worked up but there is one in a tree I can see and she is waiving her tail at something. That kind of display generally is an alert to other squirrels that there is something out there or that she is out there and not to be messed with. It looks like the big red momma squirrel and she is probably about to give birth. Oh well, better get dressed and on with the day. Wouldn't hurt if the vacuum cleaner ran over the floors. MUD
Saturday, Just Waitin' for Sunday!

As the Basketball seasons winds down to the sweet 16, elite 8 and final four, the "whatif's" for next year emerge. IF KU wins it all, will the starting five all leave for the professional ranks like 2008? Well, at least a couple are seniors and they will leave no matter what. I see Tyrell Reed attending KU Med next year and Brady will one day be a coach in a winning program. It is our underclassmen Big men that stand before us as possible transfers to where the chant is "Show Me the Money". The lure of big bucks might be enough to take the Morris twins their separate and different ways. Will the responsibility of a little sister lure T-Rob to go pro? I'm sure there is a team somewhere, even over sea's that will want to pay Mario Little to rebound with the big boys and play like he loves it.
My biggest hope is that no matter what happens to them, they have taken the opportunity to get a good education. I have a niece that is about as smart as they come and she hates accounting. But, somewhere down the road, she will know what the hell her money is doing, or what other people are doing with her money. I think any student that completes a four year degree needs to have accounting 101 & 102. Then if at the end of their careers, they have no one else to blame for where did the money go. Ask Mike Tyson is your money will manage to slip away or have enough left to live on?
Barb told me that we might have a problem on our vacation. It looks like the Government is having trouble getting its budget together and may stage a shut down on the 8th and we will be just outside Zion National Park. We might not be able to go back in the park on the 8th. I guess we'll have to see as much as we can on the 7th. We would travel back to Las Vegas on the 8th. Darn, I hate it when that happens. I guess we'll have to see the sights of Paris, New York and the Caribbean. I'm sure there will be a water show at the Bellagio or two worth the watch. The last time I was there it was too windy and they didn't run the fountains. Oh well...
Dave's Mother-in-law will be over for dinner tomorrow. Sandy and her mother are her in town trying to finish up the property of a dearly departed daughter. The really nice thing is that Dave and his wife and the boys, Tyler and Austen will also be here. I promise you that life isn't dull when they are around. Dave knows how to have fun and the boys love it. They will make sushi with the candy Peeps and fruit roll ups. It is a hoot as long as the microwave lasts. It is pretty new so I'm not too worried.
Oh well, better get on with the show. Did you get a chance to watch the hawks as they played their 37th game this year? As the only number one seeded team left, they sure played like one yesterday.
My biggest hope is that no matter what happens to them, they have taken the opportunity to get a good education. I have a niece that is about as smart as they come and she hates accounting. But, somewhere down the road, she will know what the hell her money is doing, or what other people are doing with her money. I think any student that completes a four year degree needs to have accounting 101 & 102. Then if at the end of their careers, they have no one else to blame for where did the money go. Ask Mike Tyson is your money will manage to slip away or have enough left to live on?
Barb told me that we might have a problem on our vacation. It looks like the Government is having trouble getting its budget together and may stage a shut down on the 8th and we will be just outside Zion National Park. We might not be able to go back in the park on the 8th. I guess we'll have to see as much as we can on the 7th. We would travel back to Las Vegas on the 8th. Darn, I hate it when that happens. I guess we'll have to see the sights of Paris, New York and the Caribbean. I'm sure there will be a water show at the Bellagio or two worth the watch. The last time I was there it was too windy and they didn't run the fountains. Oh well...
Dave's Mother-in-law will be over for dinner tomorrow. Sandy and her mother are her in town trying to finish up the property of a dearly departed daughter. The really nice thing is that Dave and his wife and the boys, Tyler and Austen will also be here. I promise you that life isn't dull when they are around. Dave knows how to have fun and the boys love it. They will make sushi with the candy Peeps and fruit roll ups. It is a hoot as long as the microwave lasts. It is pretty new so I'm not too worried.
Oh well, better get on with the show. Did you get a chance to watch the hawks as they played their 37th game this year? As the only number one seeded team left, they sure played like one yesterday.
Spring has Sprung! Wait, it has been delayed in the heartland
For the past couple of weeks I have been finishing my Taxes and looking out the window at the pretty weather as the snow melted and almost 80 degree days came by. Now that the Taxes are done, it was rainy yesterday and cold today. The weatherman has even used that dreaded word SNOW! once or twice for this weekend and next seven days. Crap, Crap, triple Crap! Oh well, there is no shortage of things to do and Barb has ways of keeping me busy.
Have I mentioned a time or two that I love road trips? I can feel the wanderlust building for a road trip in a week or so. A couple of days with Barb in the car and we will have all the problems of the world solved. Well, at least discussed if not solved.
What do you do when you are retired and no longer have income to poke into a Roth or traditional IRA? Yes, I do understand that we are very fortunate to have money left over in retirement, especially after just paying taxes, but we do. I don't believe the hype about Gold, I will never buy any more stock, I have all the cars and Real estate I want. The banks just don't pay anything on savings accounts and my tolerance for risk isn't very high right now. I am just beginning to understand people burying money in a can in the back yard.
Oh well, the hawks are in the sweet 16 again and play tonight. Should be a great day. I will be wearing my Crimson and Blue all day.
Have I mentioned a time or two that I love road trips? I can feel the wanderlust building for a road trip in a week or so. A couple of days with Barb in the car and we will have all the problems of the world solved. Well, at least discussed if not solved.
What do you do when you are retired and no longer have income to poke into a Roth or traditional IRA? Yes, I do understand that we are very fortunate to have money left over in retirement, especially after just paying taxes, but we do. I don't believe the hype about Gold, I will never buy any more stock, I have all the cars and Real estate I want. The banks just don't pay anything on savings accounts and my tolerance for risk isn't very high right now. I am just beginning to understand people burying money in a can in the back yard.
Oh well, the hawks are in the sweet 16 again and play tonight. Should be a great day. I will be wearing my Crimson and Blue all day.
How Can We Change Unless we Do?

I think our Government was formed to state and protect our liberties as we progressed from a new Republic to where ever we are today. There were many people that felt that as little Government that could be provided was the optimum. There were many others that felt the Government was the protector of all rights. Somewhere either in its formation or by design, the issue of a Government divided over the question of Slavery and undefined States Rights, fell into a Civil War. Abraham Lincoln stepped in and applied some unusual measures and suspended many rights that he felt were needed to preserved the Union. Our Government, yes, it is mine too, has changed to do much for many and has grown into a large animal that not only demands more each year, it internally grows as it consumes. Will we make it step back or let it grow until everyone meets some criteria of enough?
Based on what we saw, the whole world fell apart in the 20's and 30's and many will say that the economy didn't recover until we were pushed to full production during WWII. In spite of the harsh penalties imposed on Germany at the close of WWI, they pushed the envelope of production and recovered earlier that many other countries. Had Hitler's Germany not pushed their ideas on other countries Militarily, their success would be celebrated. We all know that a Government that thinks it knows all and imposed it's will on the people without careful control might start imposing solutions that few can approve. This is the Law of unintended consequences displayed in the worse way.
There is no doubt in my mind that most of us have grown from an agrarian lifestyle to one that is dominated by most people that would starve to death if our system stopped providing food to the Grocery stores. A Republic served us well when there was almost no daily contact between Washington and our lives. That has changed and our Government has not made the changes I think are in keeping with the daily flow of information.
After talking to a young man that grew up in South Carolina in the 50's, there is little doubt that the Civil Rights measures in the 60's was a needed change. Kind of like the Unions were needed to protect the Laborers in the early 1900's. The changes our Government has made or grown into today, is the question.
I don't think that our Government changed due to an ugly influence like Hitler's Germany, more because of the laws of unintended consequences. I liken the problems today to a compost pile that finally spontaneously ignites when things are piled upon pile without someone looking at why did we do what we did and how can we make it better. I think there is a lot of people looking how to change without looking back.
Here in Kansas we have a new Governor that has imposed on the system a new position to look back and recommend changes to shape up our Government. I think we all need to keep a sharp eye on what happens and where we are going. Many feel that the changes will take us in bad directions that will cut Government support in places they don't want cut. Others feel that much of what the Government is currently is doing needs to be rolled back as Government now has more rights and control than the people do. I encourage you to help us evaluate the changes and to see if it is change for the good or just change for changes sake.
If you do what you did, you will get what you got! I content that we were growing out of control and spending more that we took in by a far margin. Perhaps if other States would try to make some changes we could all find a way to change back into or into what we need. California is headed to collapse and I don't think that's where we want to go on a national level.
Based on what we saw, the whole world fell apart in the 20's and 30's and many will say that the economy didn't recover until we were pushed to full production during WWII. In spite of the harsh penalties imposed on Germany at the close of WWI, they pushed the envelope of production and recovered earlier that many other countries. Had Hitler's Germany not pushed their ideas on other countries Militarily, their success would be celebrated. We all know that a Government that thinks it knows all and imposed it's will on the people without careful control might start imposing solutions that few can approve. This is the Law of unintended consequences displayed in the worse way.
There is no doubt in my mind that most of us have grown from an agrarian lifestyle to one that is dominated by most people that would starve to death if our system stopped providing food to the Grocery stores. A Republic served us well when there was almost no daily contact between Washington and our lives. That has changed and our Government has not made the changes I think are in keeping with the daily flow of information.
After talking to a young man that grew up in South Carolina in the 50's, there is little doubt that the Civil Rights measures in the 60's was a needed change. Kind of like the Unions were needed to protect the Laborers in the early 1900's. The changes our Government has made or grown into today, is the question.
I don't think that our Government changed due to an ugly influence like Hitler's Germany, more because of the laws of unintended consequences. I liken the problems today to a compost pile that finally spontaneously ignites when things are piled upon pile without someone looking at why did we do what we did and how can we make it better. I think there is a lot of people looking how to change without looking back.
Here in Kansas we have a new Governor that has imposed on the system a new position to look back and recommend changes to shape up our Government. I think we all need to keep a sharp eye on what happens and where we are going. Many feel that the changes will take us in bad directions that will cut Government support in places they don't want cut. Others feel that much of what the Government is currently is doing needs to be rolled back as Government now has more rights and control than the people do. I encourage you to help us evaluate the changes and to see if it is change for the good or just change for changes sake.
If you do what you did, you will get what you got! I content that we were growing out of control and spending more that we took in by a far margin. Perhaps if other States would try to make some changes we could all find a way to change back into or into what we need. California is headed to collapse and I don't think that's where we want to go on a national level.
I struggled with the name of this post and have changed it several times.
Random Thoughts
Things from where I sit!

While Andy thinks a consumption tax would be easier, his point about paying withholding is worth looking at. Would all those people that pretend to not care. Care more if they were forced to pay their taxes quarterly like the self employed? Would Government get the word if people had to pay by checkquarterly the money they send to Topeka, or Washington? In my perfect world, the Government would focus on the sources of income and not the poor wage earner. Payments to illegals would slow down or go away if businesses were forced to show who and how much they paid to who. Those illegal payments would not be allowed as a deduction. April 15th (or the 18th this year) would just be another day.
I am not sure how it managed to get done, but smoking is now an outdoor activity here in Kansas. It is such a treat to go into a restaurant and not see and taste the air from smokers as I eat. It is clear you cannot tax smoking out of existence but at least here we have made the smokers take it outside. The one notable exception is casinos. Why don't casinos have a section just for smokers. Let it have a separate air handling unit and make people pay for the privilege. The only thing I hate worse than exhaled smoke is the smoke coming from a cigarette that is lit and then just let to burn with the drifting smoke blowing over me. For some reason old ladies who should know better light up and sit there not puffing, pulling the handle of the slots.
In this world, you cannot write a check, cash a check or drive a car without some form of ID. Why do we have a system that lets people vote without a picture ID. Don't yell at me Bucko, I carried a photo ID card from the Military for 31 active years and now a retired ID card. Why everyone else doesn't is beyond me. Have you been to a Doctor lately? You must pay for the services rendered in cash or show your photo ID and a copy of your medical insurance card. It is time we went to a computerized national identity card system and forced the illegals and lazy to get with the system or get gone. Just how quick would we eliminate some of the criminal activity if everyone was forced to have a photo ID and your income and bank activity was reported to a computer system.
Did the Congress of the United States give George Bush or the Office of the President the right to pursue war time activities up to 90 days without Congressional approval? In my perfect world, the question needs asked of the Supreme Court and an answer given. You can't have it both ways people. If George Bush was wrong, the current POTUS is. I don't think that supporting a UN action is wrong, I just want to clarify by what authority we acted. If Louis Farrakhan and Rush Limbaugh both think the President is wrong, there has to be a grain of truth there somewhere.
I am going to bite the bullet and mail my taxes, along with a big check, today. Letting it sit doesn't help it smell better.
Attitude and Taxes

A few weeks ago, I had coffee with a bunch of the retired National Guard guys I had served with. The discussion crossed many subjects and as is typical it was loud (Most of us are old and partially deaf from guns of all kinds) and spirited. I pitched the old soft ball about taxes and you could have heard a pin fall. I couldn't raise even a discussion on the issue. To a man, they were all pretty happy to have what they have and willing to pay what is needed to be paid. What does that say about the retirees that served in uniform and now are drawing retired pay plus whatever they earned elsewhere? I have my taxes about ready to go in and in spite of having to pay a bunch, I feel that because I have enough money to pay my taxes, I should shut my pie hole and be glad for good things. I am pretty sure that a lot of people don't listen to old guys complain anyway.
I think this is really how the majority of people out there feel. I think the Government would be well served to find a way to withhold what they need and eliminate the April 15 filing. There must be something about attitude or how do you explain the number of people that know this is a Republic and we get the kind of Government we elect and well over half the people don't vote. Yes, I know that is a run on sentence but I needed to get a lot of thought in there. Once there is a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage, the DOGAS of most people is low. DOGAS is Degree of Give a Shit for those of you that have not served where morale is a factor. DOGAS is Military speak for a measurement of attitude.
During the winter months, if I wake up with a sore throat or a stuffy head, it is the precursor to a cold. This time of year, it is allergies to whatever is in bloom. Right now, the green is just starting and there aren't many flowers or weeds so it is probably the Cedar trees that are the culprit. Those, we have plenty of. One day when it was sunny and little wind, I saw smoke coming out of a cedar tree. It was pollen and the tree was a prolific producer.
Speaking of P's. One problem we have with a young first time President is that he doesn't have the background to know he doesn't have the depth of knowledge to find solutions to all the problems that bite him in the butt. I doubt that Barack also has the experience to know what are the contingencies and how to develop a comprehensive plan to deal with changes. One of the jobs of a staff is to help the boss have a plan and some contingency plans to deal with changes. Failure to understand and to develop contingency plans is a key in the PPPPP mode. Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. We elected this guy on the motto - Yes We Can! the only problem is no one asked him what that really meant? There is a squirrel out there that every morning attacks the feeder with the attitude that Yes, I Can. Does he ever get any seeds out of the thing. Not lately and he keeps trying. Well, I guess one or two times out of a hundred as he jumps off, a seed or two spills out but not often.
So, to close this little ditty, I am going to tell you that attitude is all matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter,
Two More weeks of Roundball?

The only good thing I can say about the Basketball season is that it is finally nearing completion just as the weather is getting great. I drug the 57 Chevy out of the garage and gave it a drive yesterday afternoon and I either need to do more or less of that.
Just as a lot of us thought, KU is going to the sweet 16 in San Antonio. That is a great city and had I not been there a lot of times, I might be tempted to jump in the car and go see a game there next weekend. There is so much to see there and the food is out of this world. A plate of Fajitas in the Mercado there just makes you forget all that talk about a fence separating us from Mexico. I think we need to get our act together and make it all one big America. There is the north part (Eh or as they say it A) there is the south part where they say Si or C so the USA could be the Be part as in Be all you can be. so it would be A, B and C America. I'll bet if I still drank Margaritas I would even be more in favor of a con-joinment. With the addition of resources and labor, things would have to just get sweeter and sweeter. All you would have to do is see one Fiesta here in Topeka and you would see that we all can have fun together.
I am right in the middle of finishing the taxes. With just a few things to complete and printing left, It won't take long. Yes, there is always the shudder part where I write that check to the Feds. I guess if you have it on hand, it isn't all that bad.
Damned if he Does and Damned if he Doesn't

The Republican Party (I do wish they could come up with a term for Party that doesn't imply fun) has jumped all over the POTUS for preaching peace and not using the Military when it is appropriate. Then He orders the use of Missiles to silence the Air Defence rocket positions in Libya and it has them foaming at the mouth at how quick he was to respond. It should be pointed out that France and England both used their Air Force to respond and all we did was use a few hundred cruise missiles. Being in Washington right now has to be a thankless place to work. We all have our pet projects to have them support and then want the Government to stop spending so darned much of our money. I want them to stop funding PBS but hate commercials and Pledge weeks.
There are a bunch of people that want the WBC gang rounded up and fenced in. They want to stop the protests at Military Funerals but don't stop to realize what freedoms we would be eroding to "Get er Done!" I think the Supreme Court saw that to stop them it would cause an erosion of Freedom of Religion, Free Speech and Freedom to assemble. I think the Supreme Court was dead right on this issue and I hate it for being so damned right. How long would our Republic last if we were a House Divided like we were over the issue of slavery? We should celebrate our solidarity but then again who would agree to such a notion with out a good protest thrown in? (Damned if we Do, and Damned if we Don't , DD&DD)
There was an article about the Black East Coast basketball players at KU banding together out of solidarity in the "Clorox White" Kansas. Where doe the sports writers get this crap? Topeka was the home of the Santa Fe Railroad and an early employer of Mexican Americans in their work force. We have a large segment of the city that celebrates their Fiesta and their culture as they support their schools. I am proud of Topeka for That. If you don't know where Brown vs Board of Education was decided, Yep it was Topeka. Where did John "Osawatomie" Brown come from? Yep again it was Kansas. In our 150 years, we have done our best to support all our citizens and incorporate them into our jobs and lives. I am pretty sure that "Clorox White" just isn't my Kansas.
The weather here in the heartland changes from day to day with the ebb and flow of the fronts that cross Kansas. Cold fronts from the north and warm fronts from the south meet and greet each other here right over head. Yesterday was a cool and wet day and by midnight it warmer than all day. Today will be a windy warm day and it might get to 70. By Friday of this week, it will be back to cold and rain. Oh well, I have inside things to do and outside things to do and I might not do either.
There are a bunch of people that want the WBC gang rounded up and fenced in. They want to stop the protests at Military Funerals but don't stop to realize what freedoms we would be eroding to "Get er Done!" I think the Supreme Court saw that to stop them it would cause an erosion of Freedom of Religion, Free Speech and Freedom to assemble. I think the Supreme Court was dead right on this issue and I hate it for being so damned right. How long would our Republic last if we were a House Divided like we were over the issue of slavery? We should celebrate our solidarity but then again who would agree to such a notion with out a good protest thrown in? (Damned if we Do, and Damned if we Don't , DD&DD)
There was an article about the Black East Coast basketball players at KU banding together out of solidarity in the "Clorox White" Kansas. Where doe the sports writers get this crap? Topeka was the home of the Santa Fe Railroad and an early employer of Mexican Americans in their work force. We have a large segment of the city that celebrates their Fiesta and their culture as they support their schools. I am proud of Topeka for That. If you don't know where Brown vs Board of Education was decided, Yep it was Topeka. Where did John "Osawatomie" Brown come from? Yep again it was Kansas. In our 150 years, we have done our best to support all our citizens and incorporate them into our jobs and lives. I am pretty sure that "Clorox White" just isn't my Kansas.
The weather here in the heartland changes from day to day with the ebb and flow of the fronts that cross Kansas. Cold fronts from the north and warm fronts from the south meet and greet each other here right over head. Yesterday was a cool and wet day and by midnight it warmer than all day. Today will be a windy warm day and it might get to 70. By Friday of this week, it will be back to cold and rain. Oh well, I have inside things to do and outside things to do and I might not do either.
Winners, Losers and Attitude
For the most part, I watch basketball games and really don't listen to the idiots sitting at the big bench pontificating during pre-game and halftime. Yesterday when the Jayhawks were at halftime, one of the commentators pointed out that in a game between a Number One seed and a number 16 seed, the game is about a 10 minute difference. All season long, I have watched the Jayhawks play lower ranking teams even in the first half and go on to win with their typical win of an average of 80 to the other teams 65. Is the difference ability or attitude?
A lot of people will say that it is the winning team's ability to just keep scoring, running and defending. But, don't they have to do this during the other 30 games they have played? Is there a point that eventually everyone gets into shape and everyone can run for 40 minutes of the 2 hours during a game? Most players don't play much over 20 minutes of that time if the team has any players worth their salt. If it was just truly the size of the players, how can a shorter team keep up with the taller team in the first half as often? Yes, I understand that teams do make some changes during halftime like putting Brady Morningstar on the best shooter of the other team, but that can't explain a 20 point run and the end score being 80 to 60.
I understand talent and ability, but there just has to be something about how a coach can impart his will on a team and change their attitude. That attitude of getting the loose balls, the rebounds and being able to move to where the other team players aren't just has to be a major part of winning. Why else would a school be able to assemble a team and win a lot regularly. Why else would Texas who has about the most talent of any team lose 4 of their last 8 games?
I will watch five more days of basketball and then move on smartly. By the way, I love the format of the NCAA Tournament this year. If I don't want to watch the end of one game, I get to control what I watch. No more cutting over during a game to see the other team go into time out or shoot free throws. I love to be the man with the god gun and change to what I want. (Or Not)
A lot of people will say that it is the winning team's ability to just keep scoring, running and defending. But, don't they have to do this during the other 30 games they have played? Is there a point that eventually everyone gets into shape and everyone can run for 40 minutes of the 2 hours during a game? Most players don't play much over 20 minutes of that time if the team has any players worth their salt. If it was just truly the size of the players, how can a shorter team keep up with the taller team in the first half as often? Yes, I understand that teams do make some changes during halftime like putting Brady Morningstar on the best shooter of the other team, but that can't explain a 20 point run and the end score being 80 to 60.
I understand talent and ability, but there just has to be something about how a coach can impart his will on a team and change their attitude. That attitude of getting the loose balls, the rebounds and being able to move to where the other team players aren't just has to be a major part of winning. Why else would a school be able to assemble a team and win a lot regularly. Why else would Texas who has about the most talent of any team lose 4 of their last 8 games?
I will watch five more days of basketball and then move on smartly. By the way, I love the format of the NCAA Tournament this year. If I don't want to watch the end of one game, I get to control what I watch. No more cutting over during a game to see the other team go into time out or shoot free throws. I love to be the man with the god gun and change to what I want. (Or Not)
Old Stories Set up new

For me, this time of year it is taxes and basketball. I know that by design I will have to pay each year so I don't really start them in earnest until they start the basketball tournaments. I spread out the paperwork on a card table by my computer and work on them a little until they are completed. Taxes and basketball, basketball and taxes all I ever do in March is do taxes and watch basketball. Oh well, I love beans and taters and when the games are over and I get my taxes paid I have enough money to put some salt pork in the beans. Ain't life grand?
Capital Scareways

The facts in this story are as I remember them and may be slightly exaggerated but mostly true.
Topeka, KS is the only State Capitol that is not served by Jet service the last time I looked. In fact, right now I am not sure that we have any regularly scheduled airline service because I like the rest of the world would rather drive to Kansas City International than fly out of here and then land in Kansas City to transfer to another airline. This story took place at least 15 years ago and I would hope that things have improved in the commuter airline market.
I was returning home from a Business trip, probably to Washington, D.C. and as usual I was pretty tired of being on the road. I had elected to fly out of Forbes Field and return there where I had my car parked. I had to walk down to the end of Terminal A and then to the ticket counter for Capitol Scareways (The name has been changed to protect the guilty) There was nice young man checking people in for the trip to Topeka. He appeared to be almost legal drinking age and mostly sober. He would check the tickets, tear off the appropriate part and load the bags on a rolling cart. About 15 minutes prior to takeoff time, he pushed the cart over to an elevator and I watched him load the bags on the plane. He came back up and announced the flight and the five or six weary passengers lined up by the stairs down to the plane. It was one of those Cessna's that probably would hold 8 or 9 passengers and while dirty it didn't look as old as I was.
The baggage handler got us all in the plane and I looked around for the Pilot. To mu surprise, he climbed in the left front seat and put on a seat belt. I was sitting right behind the pilot so I had a ring side seat to forward and stayed that way because there was no copilot. The pilot did a pretty normal start up and he contacted the tower. With one small deviation from normal. He had to take a flashlight out of a briefcase to read the gauges as panel didn't have any lights working. He even had to keep the light in his lap to change from ground control to the area control after takeoff.
It was kind of windy and there was a cross wind that probably wouldn't affect any of the jets. Our little puddle jumper bucked and rocked as we moved out to the active runway. he was cleared for takeoff and moved to the middle of the runway. I was watching the lights on the right and when the pilot got up to what I thought should be takeoff speed, he pulled back on the yoke. The plane lifted about three feet and he put it back down on the runway. He did this about three times and on the third time, i noticed the runway lights on the right were right where the right tire was. The pilot still had about a 1/4 mile of runway ahead, but little of the width left. He must of finally noticed the seat on his right was forward and blocking the yoke and as he threw it back upright, he took off and it seemed that everything was almost back to normal.
Just about the time we got up to our cruising altitude. the passenger door on the right popped open and the guy on my right grabbed it to keep it from slapping open and shut. The Pilot asked him to hold it shut on the rest of the trip to Topeka. He did.
Let me tell you the personal safety rules I violated that night. First, I never trust a Pilot that is younger than the airplane we are flying. Second, If the lights on the panel don't work, stop the process, get out and call the FAA. Lord only knows what else was not working including the fact he couldn't read the checklist for takeoff. After the first aborted attempted take off, yell "whoa sucker" and tell the Pilot that you have had enough. Third, don't wait about 15 years to retell the story. Why I didn't call the FAA the next morning and report the incidents is almost beyond me.
I did arrive in Topeka and watched as the Pilot unloaded the bags because there were no other personnel there to help. The Brand new terminal was empty and we were the only people there. I got my bag and got to my car and went home. You can bet your butt on the fact that I never flew on that airline again. Based on the fact that they closed their doors soon thereafter it looked like not many others did either.
For Me, It all started 08/01/1947 in Kansas

To where I stand today, still in Kansas

This morning our niece in Idaho posted a link to the Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton. Red retold of his principal in elementary school explaining the Pledge of allegiance. His closing thought was wouldn't it be terrible if someone thought the words "Under God" were too much like a prayer and they got removed? Imagine his thoughts today when the entire Pledge of Allegiance is removed because of some one's "rights."
Another friend wants to give up some of his rights to silence the Westborough Baptist Church from their protest at serviceman's funerals. I wonder where these people were when the news covered the Supreme Court's decision that WBC has the same rights as we all do and they practice under the provisions of Freedom of religion, Freedom to Assemble and Free Speech. I for one will never want to give up even a token of my rights to silence those idiots. It should not surprise anyone that they require their women to wear scarves during services. having seen the pictures of Fred's daughters on the front page after they won the Supreme Court Case, I thing veils might be appropriate.
Can you imagine the outcry from the unwashed masses if Congress. at any level, tried to mess with our rights? I for one feel that the experiment of democracy as practiced by a Republic is way superior to any other form of Government.
Having worn the uniform of our Army in combat, I feel that I have the right to speak out about the changes I don't like in our Country. I don't feel that I have the right to damage your rights as I use mine. I damn sure don't want you to damage my rights when you express yours. You and I have the right to participate in the operation of the Republic by helping elect people that best represent us. Yes, I realize there is a loop hole where the Representative we elect vote their feelings but we get the chance to change them out if they stray too far afield.
I guess the whole point is that because we elect people to represent us, they will change things. If you like what they do, vote for them again. If you don't, help promote and vote for people that want it your way.
Another friend wants to give up some of his rights to silence the Westborough Baptist Church from their protest at serviceman's funerals. I wonder where these people were when the news covered the Supreme Court's decision that WBC has the same rights as we all do and they practice under the provisions of Freedom of religion, Freedom to Assemble and Free Speech. I for one will never want to give up even a token of my rights to silence those idiots. It should not surprise anyone that they require their women to wear scarves during services. having seen the pictures of Fred's daughters on the front page after they won the Supreme Court Case, I thing veils might be appropriate.
Can you imagine the outcry from the unwashed masses if Congress. at any level, tried to mess with our rights? I for one feel that the experiment of democracy as practiced by a Republic is way superior to any other form of Government.
Having worn the uniform of our Army in combat, I feel that I have the right to speak out about the changes I don't like in our Country. I don't feel that I have the right to damage your rights as I use mine. I damn sure don't want you to damage my rights when you express yours. You and I have the right to participate in the operation of the Republic by helping elect people that best represent us. Yes, I realize there is a loop hole where the Representative we elect vote their feelings but we get the chance to change them out if they stray too far afield.
I guess the whole point is that because we elect people to represent us, they will change things. If you like what they do, vote for them again. If you don't, help promote and vote for people that want it your way.
I am not sure what my intent to day is. I know that with out visitor gone, there will be some quiet time here at Rabbit Run. Perhaps I need to get the 57 Chevy running or finish the taxes. No matter what I will do, my intent is to do it well. (OK, throw in a late afternoon nap in the mix and I will at least do it well)
Yesterday was critter day here at Rabbit Run. With a new four to six inches of snow on the ground, everyone came by for a bite to eat. The birds swarmed the feeder, a flock of turkeys came by to stir up the deep leaves and even the deer passed by to check out if there were any new old pieces of fruit thrown out. When I sent Barb a picture, I included a Raccoon picture from the last snowfall. He looked like he fit right in for this one. Just a note, most of the snow is gone and it will be in the high 50's with 70 in a day or two.
Oh well, can't make any money here so I'll get on down the road.
Yesterday was critter day here at Rabbit Run. With a new four to six inches of snow on the ground, everyone came by for a bite to eat. The birds swarmed the feeder, a flock of turkeys came by to stir up the deep leaves and even the deer passed by to check out if there were any new old pieces of fruit thrown out. When I sent Barb a picture, I included a Raccoon picture from the last snowfall. He looked like he fit right in for this one. Just a note, most of the snow is gone and it will be in the high 50's with 70 in a day or two.
Oh well, can't make any money here so I'll get on down the road.
The weatherman totally missed that the rain would turn to snow and give us a white coat this morning. Pretty snow coat on the north side of the trees. It will also give us some good moisture for spring planting. The temperature is just above freezing and all the snow falling off the trees looks like another snow storm.
Our Guest from Austin will go home tonight and we sure have had a nice visit. It was nice that our daughter-in-law had time to come over a lot the weekend. There has been a lot of discussion here and some of it nice. No, it was all nice, just some of it held with passion. Nice to have someone other than Barb to talk with.
Most of the NCAA brackets were what I expected. The only exception was that K-State was elevated a position or two and Colorado that beat them three times wasn't invited to the Dance. Yes, I do know that several conferences got only their automatic bids into the tournament. One of the sports writers said in today's paper that just an invitation to the dance is what a lot of people hope for. I guess I have been spoiled by the JayHawks getting in and a fairly high expectation of being there in the end. The good news is that an early out just doesn't kill us.
Oh well, have a great day out there.
Our Guest from Austin will go home tonight and we sure have had a nice visit. It was nice that our daughter-in-law had time to come over a lot the weekend. There has been a lot of discussion here and some of it nice. No, it was all nice, just some of it held with passion. Nice to have someone other than Barb to talk with.
Most of the NCAA brackets were what I expected. The only exception was that K-State was elevated a position or two and Colorado that beat them three times wasn't invited to the Dance. Yes, I do know that several conferences got only their automatic bids into the tournament. One of the sports writers said in today's paper that just an invitation to the dance is what a lot of people hope for. I guess I have been spoiled by the JayHawks getting in and a fairly high expectation of being there in the end. The good news is that an early out just doesn't kill us.
Oh well, have a great day out there.
Gluten Free Cooking
Our 'Nother Daughter visiting from Texas has found that she has problems with the gluten in flour. When she is here, we cook with Gluten Free flour and as one of the cooks, I find it interesting. Most of the gluten free stuff is either potato starch or rice flour and no matter what you do, it stays so sticky that you can forget rolling out the biscuits and then getting them on the pan. Basically you have to use two spoons and plop them on the baking sheet. No matter how many times they tell you you don't have t0 grease the pan, spray it with Pam or be ready to chip them off. In most ways, I can't tell the difference except in the cost. It was really easy to make gravy with the gluten free flour. It thickened up just fine and tasted like what ever flavor other gravy would taste like.
Did you notice that when they leave the sugar out of something you have to pay more? I see that in a lot of things. I kind of understand that because of the volume, they probably don't mill rice into flour here in the volume they do wheat.
Well, the basketball teams will either play hard or go home pretty soon. 64, on day one, and by the end of day four they will be at 16. Any team that can win 6 in a row will be the National Champion. There is an unusually high parity in teams this year and there won't be a clear cut winner like in the dynasty of UCLA. Duke, Kansas, Ohio State, South Carolina (Roy Who?) and a few sleepers all could sneak in and steal a couple of games. I like the old saying that the race doesn't always go to the fastest, but that is generally the way to bet. But the Petty Corollary is do not bet it all on one horse.
Life here at Rabbit Run is pretty darned nice right now. We are battening down the hatches for a road trip in a couple of weeks. Other than someone to feed the dog we are getting in pretty good shape. I do need to buckle down and do the taxes but that is no tall step for a tall stepper with Turbo Tax.
Have a great day out there.
Did you notice that when they leave the sugar out of something you have to pay more? I see that in a lot of things. I kind of understand that because of the volume, they probably don't mill rice into flour here in the volume they do wheat.
Well, the basketball teams will either play hard or go home pretty soon. 64, on day one, and by the end of day four they will be at 16. Any team that can win 6 in a row will be the National Champion. There is an unusually high parity in teams this year and there won't be a clear cut winner like in the dynasty of UCLA. Duke, Kansas, Ohio State, South Carolina (Roy Who?) and a few sleepers all could sneak in and steal a couple of games. I like the old saying that the race doesn't always go to the fastest, but that is generally the way to bet. But the Petty Corollary is do not bet it all on one horse.
Life here at Rabbit Run is pretty darned nice right now. We are battening down the hatches for a road trip in a couple of weeks. Other than someone to feed the dog we are getting in pretty good shape. I do need to buckle down and do the taxes but that is no tall step for a tall stepper with Turbo Tax.
Have a great day out there.
BIG XII Champions
Kansas just won the BIG XII Championship tournament. Texas is a great team that will do a good job in the NCAA Tourney but got beat tonight by a Hawk team that played together, passed, shot and hustled. I saw some good teams on TV today and it won't be easy to win the Tournament this year.
Mel's nephew, Zander, was here and I had a ball playing catch with a 4 year old. We did Legos, Transformers and played catch. Man I have to get me one of those little guys to keep me young.
Have a great Sunday out there.
Mel's nephew, Zander, was here and I had a ball playing catch with a 4 year old. We did Legos, Transformers and played catch. Man I have to get me one of those little guys to keep me young.
Have a great Sunday out there.
Sunny Daze!
I don't understand how the NFL Players Union can think there is more paper to be had than is available on line. What the teams have reported to the IRS and their Corporate annual postings should be enough to tell that everyone is getting fat on the backs of people watching a bunch of men playing games. Fail to bridge the differences will cause them to lose another fan. Ask Baseball if I am serious. I don't watch it...
It is going to be a sunny day and should be a fun day this morning as both KU and K-State play early today. With a win by both teams, they will meet tomorrow for the rubber match. Both teams have won one at home and nothing is clear about who is the best team in the league. There should be no doubt that both teams are playing about as good as could be expected after 30 games.
There is a serious problem with Basketball that needs to be fixed. Just because the game is about to end, the officials need to call every foul and violation. I don't want them to wait until some kid gets really hurt in the final second melee to start calling the game right to the end. I do understand that in some arenas there is no way anyone can watch the clock and the fouls and hear the buzzer. The fans are the cause of part of the problem. But, kids watching a close game can get excited.
The weather is so changing here in the Heartland that it is hard to tell what to wear and what to do. It started at 23 today and will be in the high 50's or low 60's later. Tomorrow it will be in the 70's and it may snow by Monday. At least if it snows, it won't stick long.
Oh well, have a great day out there.
It is going to be a sunny day and should be a fun day this morning as both KU and K-State play early today. With a win by both teams, they will meet tomorrow for the rubber match. Both teams have won one at home and nothing is clear about who is the best team in the league. There should be no doubt that both teams are playing about as good as could be expected after 30 games.
There is a serious problem with Basketball that needs to be fixed. Just because the game is about to end, the officials need to call every foul and violation. I don't want them to wait until some kid gets really hurt in the final second melee to start calling the game right to the end. I do understand that in some arenas there is no way anyone can watch the clock and the fouls and hear the buzzer. The fans are the cause of part of the problem. But, kids watching a close game can get excited.
The weather is so changing here in the Heartland that it is hard to tell what to wear and what to do. It started at 23 today and will be in the high 50's or low 60's later. Tomorrow it will be in the 70's and it may snow by Monday. At least if it snows, it won't stick long.
Oh well, have a great day out there.
Can You Feel It?
There is an excitement in the air, a warmth growing and it is headed to a crescendo in April. Yep, it is tax time again and there are people all over the place that are expecting a refund without understanding what it is they are getting. In the ideal world, you will not get a refund, or owe anything. The real ideal is to get to keep all of your money and not have to give the Government any more. It is your money, that the Government has been keeping without paying you one damned cent. It is a forced saving program that you don't understand, or you wouldn't do it. If, you have the Government refund you $1500 after you file your taxes, the government has been keeping about $29 a week of your money. Want an almost a dollar an hour raise, give it to your self.
In all the years I have lived in this house, there has been little I haven't experienced. I have had water faucets freeze, forgot to take the hose off a freeze free faucet and have had plumbing back ups of all kinds. I have a bucket of tools that I have purchased over the years and there is darned little I haven't or can't fix. Including my rental houses, I have replaced water heaters, faucets and stools. One thing I haven't really had to fix is a blockage in a main sewer line. I think there is a root problem in the line that goes from the vent stack to the downstairs bathroom. The toilet downstairs gurgles when the toilet upstairs is flushed. I suspect roots and that is the one thing I will fix this spring. (Or hire someone to fix it)
So far, today has been cloudy and just above freezing. No new moisture today but not going to get much warmer. A couple of weeks ago, it was 76 one day and 17 the next. That is a 59 degree swing in less than 24 hours. Yesterday, it was 40 at the start of the day and about 37 at the end. Kansas has some great weather swings and some days it just doesn't change. I have it on expert opinion that the wind doesn't blow in Oklahoma, It Sucks. Ask anyone that has been through the Cannon Cocker College at Fort Sill, OK and they can verify this.
The Master Gardner has grow lights burning in her green room and the smell of potting soil is in the air. In my fantasy world, she won't have to buy any more plants this year but I really know better. One of her favorite places is Arnold's Greenhouse down by Leroy, KS. We would go by there on our trips to visit Mom in Tulsa. It was like a trip to Sam's Club and I couldn't get out of there for less than $100. No, that is just the facts, not a complaint. Barb helped earn a lot of the money we have and she deserves to get to spend it on anything she darn well wants. Yes, it is a waste of time to write this, because she does what she darn well wants any way.
I read a cute thing in the paper this morning. When a man marries a woman he doesn't want her to ever change. When a woman marries a man she fully expects him to change. Guess who wins?
In all the years I have lived in this house, there has been little I haven't experienced. I have had water faucets freeze, forgot to take the hose off a freeze free faucet and have had plumbing back ups of all kinds. I have a bucket of tools that I have purchased over the years and there is darned little I haven't or can't fix. Including my rental houses, I have replaced water heaters, faucets and stools. One thing I haven't really had to fix is a blockage in a main sewer line. I think there is a root problem in the line that goes from the vent stack to the downstairs bathroom. The toilet downstairs gurgles when the toilet upstairs is flushed. I suspect roots and that is the one thing I will fix this spring. (Or hire someone to fix it)
So far, today has been cloudy and just above freezing. No new moisture today but not going to get much warmer. A couple of weeks ago, it was 76 one day and 17 the next. That is a 59 degree swing in less than 24 hours. Yesterday, it was 40 at the start of the day and about 37 at the end. Kansas has some great weather swings and some days it just doesn't change. I have it on expert opinion that the wind doesn't blow in Oklahoma, It Sucks. Ask anyone that has been through the Cannon Cocker College at Fort Sill, OK and they can verify this.
The Master Gardner has grow lights burning in her green room and the smell of potting soil is in the air. In my fantasy world, she won't have to buy any more plants this year but I really know better. One of her favorite places is Arnold's Greenhouse down by Leroy, KS. We would go by there on our trips to visit Mom in Tulsa. It was like a trip to Sam's Club and I couldn't get out of there for less than $100. No, that is just the facts, not a complaint. Barb helped earn a lot of the money we have and she deserves to get to spend it on anything she darn well wants. Yes, it is a waste of time to write this, because she does what she darn well wants any way.
I read a cute thing in the paper this morning. When a man marries a woman he doesn't want her to ever change. When a woman marries a man she fully expects him to change. Guess who wins?
Rain today at 100%
Yep, it is raining this morning, so for once the weatherman got it right. It is one of those early spring days where the sun stays behind the clouds and it doesn't rain hard, it hardly rains - all day. The Master Gardner would have this at least once a week in the spring. It will get the sub soil moisture up and it won't take as much water when she sets out the little plants.
I went to my annual physical this morning and just now am having my first cup of coffee. It must be time to kick back a little because I had a headache from not having that caffeine. My blood pressure was up a little and the doctor took it several times during the physical and it went down a little each time until it was pretty normal. Nothing earth shaking apparent other than a funny place on my nose that makes me go see a Dermatologist on the 17th. After the scare under my right eye a couple of years back, I don't think I want to fool around.
The Doctor and I had a long talk about men and aging. I guess the way our plumbing is hooked up, things just slow down as we get older. I mentioned the early morning trip to the restroom and after about 10 minutes I need to go again. Yep, Old Guys just don't empty it all out and that's pretty normal for 60 year old. I feel like Taco when I first get him out of the pen. he will go from tree to tree and "mark" every tree. Then between throws of the stick he will catch up on any tree he missed on the first go round.
This morning I am going to go to the hardware store and see what kind of shut off gasket I need for the outside frost proof faucet. It froze shut this past winter and now it drips. It should not be any big deal, I will stop by the hardware store on the way to the bank. I will need to shut off the water in the house while I am gone. Oh well...
I had to take a small break and throw some bird seed on the ground. The Doves were all up in a tree near by and the porch was pecked pretty clean. Between the birds, the squirrels and the possum, not much goes to waste. The first thing is the squirrels that make sure there isn't a single sunflower seed left after they look it all over. Then the birds will peck out the smaller stuff, the squirrels will make pone more pass and then overnight the remainder disappears. Perhaps Carrie needs to spread some seed on the ground so her possums don't starve to death.
I saw "Cool Hand Luke" the other night. There are quotes from that movie that need to be captured for daily use. Right at the beginning there was something said that "Your time here is what you make of it." Kinda fast so I will have to watch it again sometime. We all know the "What we have here is a failure to Communicate" and one of my favorite lines - "No Body can eat 50 eggs." During the egg eating scene there was something said about rules and their formation. Again, I will need to watch it to catch the exact quote. I hope one of the movie channels will show Paul Newman movies each year on either the anniversary of his death or near his birthday.
Oh well, another 15 minutes (or more) shot in the rear... On to bigger and better things.
I went to my annual physical this morning and just now am having my first cup of coffee. It must be time to kick back a little because I had a headache from not having that caffeine. My blood pressure was up a little and the doctor took it several times during the physical and it went down a little each time until it was pretty normal. Nothing earth shaking apparent other than a funny place on my nose that makes me go see a Dermatologist on the 17th. After the scare under my right eye a couple of years back, I don't think I want to fool around.
The Doctor and I had a long talk about men and aging. I guess the way our plumbing is hooked up, things just slow down as we get older. I mentioned the early morning trip to the restroom and after about 10 minutes I need to go again. Yep, Old Guys just don't empty it all out and that's pretty normal for 60 year old. I feel like Taco when I first get him out of the pen. he will go from tree to tree and "mark" every tree. Then between throws of the stick he will catch up on any tree he missed on the first go round.
This morning I am going to go to the hardware store and see what kind of shut off gasket I need for the outside frost proof faucet. It froze shut this past winter and now it drips. It should not be any big deal, I will stop by the hardware store on the way to the bank. I will need to shut off the water in the house while I am gone. Oh well...
I had to take a small break and throw some bird seed on the ground. The Doves were all up in a tree near by and the porch was pecked pretty clean. Between the birds, the squirrels and the possum, not much goes to waste. The first thing is the squirrels that make sure there isn't a single sunflower seed left after they look it all over. Then the birds will peck out the smaller stuff, the squirrels will make pone more pass and then overnight the remainder disappears. Perhaps Carrie needs to spread some seed on the ground so her possums don't starve to death.
I saw "Cool Hand Luke" the other night. There are quotes from that movie that need to be captured for daily use. Right at the beginning there was something said that "Your time here is what you make of it." Kinda fast so I will have to watch it again sometime. We all know the "What we have here is a failure to Communicate" and one of my favorite lines - "No Body can eat 50 eggs." During the egg eating scene there was something said about rules and their formation. Again, I will need to watch it to catch the exact quote. I hope one of the movie channels will show Paul Newman movies each year on either the anniversary of his death or near his birthday.
Oh well, another 15 minutes (or more) shot in the rear... On to bigger and better things.
For retired people, Monday is just another day. In the past, Monday was the day I went back to work to rest up from the weekend. A lot of weekends were spent at Drill in the National Guard and my in-box would be wrecked on Monday and just trying to get re-organized would take a significant part of the day. Then, late in my Career, someone found that Flex-Time would manage to give us 4, 10 hour days a week or a bunch of 9 hour days and have one day every two weeks. I would always try to make it the day after drill to rest up. In 1987, I commanded an Artillery Battalion trying to take an Army Training test (Called ARTEP) and I had only a hand full of days off the entire year. I used a remarkable amount of sick days that year as there were days i just could not drag it out of bed. Yes, I think I used 5 sick days that year other than the week I spent in the Hospital.
All weekend SONIC ran their hot dog commercials. By Sunday, I had to run to SONIC and try a couple (or 3). I forgot how raw onions give me heartburn. They also give me bad breath but the heartburn is the part I hate. For some reason, Pickled or cooked onions don't give me heartburn burn but raw ones seem to every time. I'm sure there is something that cooking stops and when eaten raw just doesn't like me. I didn't even try the chili dog as it was just over the top. That hamburger Red Robin had in their commercial was almost tempting enough but they are clear across town and SONIC is just a couple of miles away.
The wind shifted from the North to the South last evening and it is warmer this morning than it was all day yesterday. The sun was out and it seemed nice but temperature and wind chill made playing stick with TACO shorten up a bit. I call our sessions stick as he will fetch the stick but it is also a time for a lot of petting. I think sitting in the sun and petting the dog is therapeutic for both of us. At least when I go out he is standing by the gate in his fence with his stick in his mouth.
Oh well, busy week watching roundball this week. The brackets are filling up fast with the play-ins from teams we haven't heard from all year. Oh well, their mommas love them.
All weekend SONIC ran their hot dog commercials. By Sunday, I had to run to SONIC and try a couple (or 3). I forgot how raw onions give me heartburn. They also give me bad breath but the heartburn is the part I hate. For some reason, Pickled or cooked onions don't give me heartburn burn but raw ones seem to every time. I'm sure there is something that cooking stops and when eaten raw just doesn't like me. I didn't even try the chili dog as it was just over the top. That hamburger Red Robin had in their commercial was almost tempting enough but they are clear across town and SONIC is just a couple of miles away.
The wind shifted from the North to the South last evening and it is warmer this morning than it was all day yesterday. The sun was out and it seemed nice but temperature and wind chill made playing stick with TACO shorten up a bit. I call our sessions stick as he will fetch the stick but it is also a time for a lot of petting. I think sitting in the sun and petting the dog is therapeutic for both of us. At least when I go out he is standing by the gate in his fence with his stick in his mouth.
Oh well, busy week watching roundball this week. The brackets are filling up fast with the play-ins from teams we haven't heard from all year. Oh well, their mommas love them.
Dog Claw Clipper.
A Little Scotch (Scotties)with today's blog

Yesterday I finally picked up one of those dog claw clippers to cut Taco's claws a little shorter. It is basically an electric Dremmel tool. The bad news is that like most dogs, Taco doesn't like for anyone to touch his paws. I will stop at the local Vet on Monday and see if they have a pill I can give him to help him with worry about the procedure. Yes, I want him asleep for about 10 minutes so he doesn't limp after playing tug of was with his other feet. I only got one foot done and I notice he has a limp today. It sure as heck wasn't because I cut his claws too short.
I wonder what KU has done to the networks to have them play games with the coverage of their games. ESPN has cut the first 15 to 20 minutes of the KU games because the game before them ran long. Now CBS cut the end of the game to cover Michigan and Michigan State. At least here in Topeka we saw the end of the game. The announcers for CBS were terrible. They kept calling Elijah Johnson, Elijah Robinson. I love the nickname T'Rob for Thomas Robinson as it sounds a little like the fearsome dinosaur from Jurassic Park
Let there be no doubt that teams won't be able to slow play the Hawks and have them unable to finish dull games. They matched Texas A&M and now Missouri for slug it out games here at the end of the season. They also played Missouri to a 103-89 game earlier in the season. Glitz, Glitter, mud, beer and knife fight are all in their ability. Now if Josh Selby can just regain his shooting touch we'll be hard to stop. They will be hard to beat anyway, I just like to see a gunslinger able to draw all his weapons.
Might get to 40 here today so there won't be any bike riding but I will try to get out and see the sun some. Have a great day.
I wonder what KU has done to the networks to have them play games with the coverage of their games. ESPN has cut the first 15 to 20 minutes of the KU games because the game before them ran long. Now CBS cut the end of the game to cover Michigan and Michigan State. At least here in Topeka we saw the end of the game. The announcers for CBS were terrible. They kept calling Elijah Johnson, Elijah Robinson. I love the nickname T'Rob for Thomas Robinson as it sounds a little like the fearsome dinosaur from Jurassic Park
Let there be no doubt that teams won't be able to slow play the Hawks and have them unable to finish dull games. They matched Texas A&M and now Missouri for slug it out games here at the end of the season. They also played Missouri to a 103-89 game earlier in the season. Glitz, Glitter, mud, beer and knife fight are all in their ability. Now if Josh Selby can just regain his shooting touch we'll be hard to stop. They will be hard to beat anyway, I just like to see a gunslinger able to draw all his weapons.
Might get to 40 here today so there won't be any bike riding but I will try to get out and see the sun some. Have a great day.
Last Game of the Regular BIG XII Season
Today is the last game of the BIG XII Regular season and the tournament madness starts Wednesday. After such a crappy experience at the Sprint Center in KC, I am pretty sure that I can't get Barb to go to any games there. I love the name of the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament in St. Louis - ARCH MADNESS! I just can't get amped on watching many of those games when they will get one and possibly two teams into the big dance.
I think it is bad that Texas and Baylor play at the same time as Kansas and Missouri today. I would love to see if Baylor can convert their length to defense against length and bulk. Even a loss by Kansas and a win by Texas would still leave the conference in a tie. I don't see that happening but strange things happen.
The weather here in the heartland has been strange. It varies from 30 to 70 overnight and about when the snow is gone, it lays down a new layer. Right now it is 20 with a north wind and sunshine on bare ground. I'm sure that without the game this morning, Barb would have us in the car going somewhere south for a day or two. At least there is sunshine streaming in the south facing windows upstairs.
In the past, we have gone to the Home Show to see new and pretty things. This year there isn't much new, just a lot of the same old stuff and to top it off, it costs $7.00 to have them pitch things to us. Oh well, won't go next year.
Have a great day out there and catch some roundball action this next week. I will.
I think it is bad that Texas and Baylor play at the same time as Kansas and Missouri today. I would love to see if Baylor can convert their length to defense against length and bulk. Even a loss by Kansas and a win by Texas would still leave the conference in a tie. I don't see that happening but strange things happen.
The weather here in the heartland has been strange. It varies from 30 to 70 overnight and about when the snow is gone, it lays down a new layer. Right now it is 20 with a north wind and sunshine on bare ground. I'm sure that without the game this morning, Barb would have us in the car going somewhere south for a day or two. At least there is sunshine streaming in the south facing windows upstairs.
In the past, we have gone to the Home Show to see new and pretty things. This year there isn't much new, just a lot of the same old stuff and to top it off, it costs $7.00 to have them pitch things to us. Oh well, won't go next year.
Have a great day out there and catch some roundball action this next week. I will.
Mixed Message

One of my blog friends said yesterday that with age comes wisdom. The truth is that with age comes old age. Wisdom is that thing we obtain if we learn from the mistakes of ourselves and others. It contributes to doing things in other ways. If you really learn, you learn to do things the right way. If you continue to do what you did, you will get what you got - Right or wrong!
Yesterday I made a run to Kansas City to see a lawyer about some mineral rights. After about 30 minutes, he was as confused as I was. At least he now has a copy of all the material I have so he can at least do a good job of clearing the mess up. Following that, I had lunch with my niece Carrie and her husband Dan. They are such a nice couple and fixed a great lunch. It makes me feel so good to talk with people that are working on living life the way it should be lived. They know the value of a dollar and don't throw them away on frivolous things.
I say it here, If the Pro Football Owners and Players can't get together and make 9 Billion work, I will never watch another Pro Football game. It is absolutely insane that while so many people are working hard to get by in this world, greedy people that play a game think they are worth so much money. I for one do not want to expand the season to 18 games. Do they want the Super Bowl to drag into March and conflict with March Madness? In case you don't know, I do not watch Pro Baseball because of their strike over the same few dollars. Once the weather breaks, I am outside way too much to spend time watching the baseball paint dry.
How can so many people have such a mixed understanding of what Government is supposed to do for and to us? Is it the role of Government to intrude in our lives and make us get Medical Insurance or make us pay for it? That is a scary thought for me. I thought that my freedoms end where my nose does, not where the government can stick its nose. If it is going to save us money, why did the bill have 105 Billion in it to set it up? I guess if it is taxpayer money to stick it to the Taxpayers it must be OK in Washington.
Here the other day, I saw a lawsuit that makes the States provide a list of registered gun owners under the Freedom of Information Act. I wonder how many people understand that a list of your weapons is step one to being able to confiscate our guns? I was all set to get a concealed carry permit until I found out that I had to tell them what I was carrying. I plan to smile and make everyone wonder what I am up to.
I think that on Facebook, everyone should post one thing their mother told them to do. It might be fun to see how wrong mothers can be. After all, while they mean well, they are just people like the rest of us.
Leaders Past and Present
The one advantage of retirement is that I got to choose my boss and if I treat me bad, it is my fault. I hope that you have done as well as I have in selecting my wife and that you are treated as well as I am.
One of my blog buddies wrote a blog about some of the leaders he had worked for and how it influenced him as he became the leader. I hope that I was influenced to be better in some ways and not worse in others. Mostly, if I had trouble with a boss, it was my problems and lack of understanding of him that made it tough. Let me cite and example. Col Fox was a Korean War veteran and nearing the end of his career as I joined the Field Grade Officer (Major on up) ranks. He held the position I aspired for and eventually held as I retired. I thought that as I came to the State headquarters in Topeka, I would bring about changes that would in many ways eliminate some of the paperwork that felt like "make work" out in the field.
As usual, I found myself in a staff officer position and everything I did was funneled through the Colonel. I thought I would just write up what I thought was good stuff and present it to the Colonel. I didn't take time to realize he was totally a visual learner and wanted time to read and understand what I was doing. At first, I would proceed into his office, make a verbal presentation and when he looked unhappy, I would give him my best rendition of more clouds and arrows. Generally these meetings ended with both of us feeling less than happy.
It wasn't until a bit later that I came to find out that it wasn't me or the material that caused COL Fox to look unhappy, it was the presentation style. After that Blinding Flash of the Obvious I changed the way I dealt with him. If I had a project to give to him, i would make a folder with three tabs in it. The first tab was what the assignment was and a copy of the paper we sent out the last time. Tab two was the regulation concerning the activity. Tab three was the new paper I planned to have published. I would send it in to his office and ask that he call me if he had questions. The approval rate on the initial work went up at least 50%. A lot of times I just got the paper back signed and approved.
So, if you are having trouble with your boss, try to find out how he does things and hope you can best fit your style into the way he does business. It might just be the style not the substance of your work.
Understanding how people work will also help you understand how to treat your employees when you move up. Encourage your Clouds and Arrows people to give you more written information and the Law and order people to make verbal presentations. I also found it well worth the time to at least once a week to get up and go see everyone at their desk. It was really easy to find a piece of work they had submitted for approval and find one or two small questions to talk about. Was it perfect? No but it was the way I did things. Good Luck.
COL (Ret)
One of my blog buddies wrote a blog about some of the leaders he had worked for and how it influenced him as he became the leader. I hope that I was influenced to be better in some ways and not worse in others. Mostly, if I had trouble with a boss, it was my problems and lack of understanding of him that made it tough. Let me cite and example. Col Fox was a Korean War veteran and nearing the end of his career as I joined the Field Grade Officer (Major on up) ranks. He held the position I aspired for and eventually held as I retired. I thought that as I came to the State headquarters in Topeka, I would bring about changes that would in many ways eliminate some of the paperwork that felt like "make work" out in the field.
As usual, I found myself in a staff officer position and everything I did was funneled through the Colonel. I thought I would just write up what I thought was good stuff and present it to the Colonel. I didn't take time to realize he was totally a visual learner and wanted time to read and understand what I was doing. At first, I would proceed into his office, make a verbal presentation and when he looked unhappy, I would give him my best rendition of more clouds and arrows. Generally these meetings ended with both of us feeling less than happy.
It wasn't until a bit later that I came to find out that it wasn't me or the material that caused COL Fox to look unhappy, it was the presentation style. After that Blinding Flash of the Obvious I changed the way I dealt with him. If I had a project to give to him, i would make a folder with three tabs in it. The first tab was what the assignment was and a copy of the paper we sent out the last time. Tab two was the regulation concerning the activity. Tab three was the new paper I planned to have published. I would send it in to his office and ask that he call me if he had questions. The approval rate on the initial work went up at least 50%. A lot of times I just got the paper back signed and approved.
So, if you are having trouble with your boss, try to find out how he does things and hope you can best fit your style into the way he does business. It might just be the style not the substance of your work.
Understanding how people work will also help you understand how to treat your employees when you move up. Encourage your Clouds and Arrows people to give you more written information and the Law and order people to make verbal presentations. I also found it well worth the time to at least once a week to get up and go see everyone at their desk. It was really easy to find a piece of work they had submitted for approval and find one or two small questions to talk about. Was it perfect? No but it was the way I did things. Good Luck.
COL (Ret)
NCAA Men's basketball
The other day, Barb printed out a copy of the blank bracket for the Tournament and it didn't have things like locations on it. I started looking at the possibilities and it got complicated beyond what I thought might be a quick listing. For one thing, I don't have a clue who are the automatic play-ins are. I am pretty sure that some Post Season Tournament winners are automatic even if they don't have 20 wins. This year there are four play-in games, called the first four, that has expanded the tournament to 68 teams. I can see why the Tournament Selection Committee goes into hiding (sequestering) to try to sort it out. One complication I found is that the Locations for the first and second round can be co-mingled and aren't the same as the Regionals. a Number 1 seed can find themselves playing the number 16 seed in Cleveland and be out of the Western regional. The only thing that is kind of locked in is the Final four in Houston April 2-4. I think they are trying to cut down the travel costs for the "One and done" teams. There are 64 teams the first two days and then 32 and then 16 at the end of the first weekend. A lot of teams go home and a few get to play on.
Last night, K-State gave KU some breathing room for a win in the BIG XII season title. It will be theirs to hold or lose if they can win out at Texas A&M at Allen and Missouri at their place. The second question in that discussion is now that K-State has won some tough games on the road can they continue down that path in the BIG XII Post season Tournament? Or better put, can anyone stop them?
Can you tell that I am a March madness Fan and really looking forward to the tournaments? Yes, I know the regular season isn't over yet. There is another week to play out and a week from Wednesday the BIG XII tournament starts. Then the big dance starts on the 15th.
Just a note to all of those of you out there that really don't have a watch that can tell, today is officially 3/1/2011 not the 29th of February. I don't think we leap until next year.
Have a great day out there.
Last night, K-State gave KU some breathing room for a win in the BIG XII season title. It will be theirs to hold or lose if they can win out at Texas A&M at Allen and Missouri at their place. The second question in that discussion is now that K-State has won some tough games on the road can they continue down that path in the BIG XII Post season Tournament? Or better put, can anyone stop them?
Can you tell that I am a March madness Fan and really looking forward to the tournaments? Yes, I know the regular season isn't over yet. There is another week to play out and a week from Wednesday the BIG XII tournament starts. Then the big dance starts on the 15th.
Just a note to all of those of you out there that really don't have a watch that can tell, today is officially 3/1/2011 not the 29th of February. I don't think we leap until next year.
Have a great day out there.
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