
Buffalo or Bierocks?

On our trip south on US 75, there is a town called Buffalo, KS. We have driven by there so many times that curiosity got the best of me. We side tracked to the down town just see the grand sights of Buffalo. There was a building right across from the...

Bar and next door to the ...

US Post Office. Man were we underwhelmed. We did see a church and probably both of the county employees working on the street. One was using a road grader and the other a bobcat filling in holes the road grader didn't fill.

Salute to those wonderful people in Buffalo. Next time I'll just honk the horn as we drive by on the highway. No wait, we don't have a vehicle with a functional horn. Dang!


1 comment:

  1. I read a blog post somewhere today that mentioned a Bison, KS. I'm going to have to try those bierocks in the post above. Looks good.
