Every couple of months we make a mad dash to Tulsa to visit my brother who is hosting my mother's extended visit. It is always a pleasure to visit with them. Rick has gone out of his way to make mother feel welcome and I for one am very thankful for his love. His job travels him all over Northeast Oklahoma and even after hours behind the wheel he has a great smile. He wore a KU shirt for years but living there near Tulsa has changed his allegiance.

Mom is holding up well for the age she has reached. We know she loves Ruben sandwiches and try to do them when we visit. For some reason Wal*Mart in Skiatook didn't carry pastrami up until this visit. Not sure why, but they did have it this time. Barb does the veggies and I do the sandwiches.

This young lady is our niece (Grand-niece?) Kristen. We have watched her grow up and love to have her visit. I have a lot of pictures of her and Barb doing things. She said she made straight A's this last semester in school. I sure hope she can continue this path to success. I am not sure if she is always quiet or if she couldn't get a word in edgewise.

Meet Mr edgewise. Kristen's Dad, Kris, is about the most fun guy I have ever met. His gift of gab makes the time just fly by. He is a Firefighter and just started to volunteer with the Sheriff's office. He has a pile of stories that he shares and a way to share those stories that is great. He is not a comedian, but a story teller with a view of life that makes you smile.

The latest story Kris tells is about his visit to Wal*Mart. It seems that they have a cashier there that is a couple of french fries short of a happy meal. As they went through the checkout line it seems the subject of marriage came up and the cashier said Kris is lucky to have such a pretty wife. Kristen was the person with him and not his wife. Kris said," You know, some people think she looks young enough to be my daughter. I'm sure glad we met over at the Family reunion over there in Arkansas." I am pretty sure that the cashier didn't get it. I'm just glad I didn't have mouth full of water or I would have laughed it up and out my nose.
What a fun visit it must have been. That Kris sounds like a real fun guy to have around. I got his 'joke' ..lol
ReplyDeleteMan, I am laughing my guts up...seriously!
The world is full of good Okies, Good Firefighters, and Arkie jokes!
Man, I could tell you a story about when I had my youngest son in a "shoe store" at a mall once. The really nice black lady that worked there got worried with him (he's autistic btw), and tracked him down. About the time she found him, I was on the scene. She said, "You need to stay with your Grandpa!"
That's actually the first time I felt OLD. I would tell you about it, but you'd be bored stiff.
MUD, I love an "Arkie" joke better than almost anything (long stories...spent a bunch of time in Arkansas working, and have TOO MANY relatives there). Your grand-nieces' Daddy is just my kind of dude.
Seriously, that is hilarious! By the way...I hope that Kristen keeps on a path to success, too.
That is so funny!
ReplyDeleteWe had fun in Arkansas last weekend. We sang all of the songs we could remember from when we were little. I remember the one you taught us of the boarding house.