Just as I was reading about a friend's death this week, the phone rang and my niece told us that my sister is in the hospital. I am not sure if it is because they are old, or that I am old but a lot of my friends are surrounded with medical issues or listed in the obituaries. The friend I read about was the brother of a boss I had. The brother was a kind and gentle man and worked well with others. My boss did not. SGM Fox was having lunch at a plane on Wanamaker last month when I stopped by to get a bite to eat. He looked good and we talked a while. He was a good man and I'm sure his family will miss him.
One of Barb's friends went into the hospital with a hiatal hernia a couple of weeks back. She somehow got a drug resistant infection and what was going to be a short stay kept her there for 2 1/2 weeks. Sure glad she was healthy enough to fight that infection off. Skinny people don't have enough fight in them to make it past such a tough infection. Those of us that are Horizontally gifted have good enough reserves to make it in the long run. How many people tell you that they lost 10-20 pounds fighting through a hospital stay. Skinny people don't have that to loose. I stand prepared.
This past week Barb and I went to her Doctor's office to get a flu shot. This young cute medical assistant told us that because we were over 65, we would be given the enhanced version of the shot. I didn't have a clue what that meant until I read it in the paper. It had about 25% more active ingredient so our bodies make more antibodies. My arm was a little sore for a day or two but other than that no big problems. It is the fall season and there are more things in the air with the wind blowing all the dead leaves about. If I didn't have a little bit of a headache it would not be normal.
After I put a roast in the crock pot, we will probably got to Lawrence to see my sister in the Hospital. We will also use it as an excuse to have lunch at McAlister's Deli. Barb likes their salads and I eat almost anything else on the menu. They even have an item called the big ugly (Open faced roast beef sandwich) that I have been know to order. Knowing I will probably have roast beef for supper I will probably have a Turkey Club sandwich. If I share one quarter of it with Barb, she will share a part of her salad with me. Yummy.
I would be remiss if I didn't point out that one Kansas team won it's football game yesterday and one didn't. Admittedly the Iowa State and KU game was the toilet bowl (Game between the bottom dwellers) and the other was for the BIG XII Lead. I sure think a lot of people have been fooled by Baylor and TCU in the conference. A couple of years back, we went to Waco to watch a basketball game at Baylor. The people there treated us nice and we had a good time trooping around on that campus even though we were wearing KU gear. There was something about the water when we were there and it had to do with the cold air causing their water supply lake turning over. For three days we could not drink the water for the smell.
One upon a time, my family was on a trip to Arkansas. It was a pretty warm day and we were running the air conditioner. I had just given everyone a piece of gum and we were blasting down a country road. Just as we cleared the top of a hill, I saw a cute farm with metal buildings. Right about that time, I smelled hogs. Three windows went down and we had to spit out that gum. You could not chew gum and smell a hog farm at the same time.
Pixel, the young cat has about decided to let me be his friend. He was a shy kitty for a while. His curiosity has him sitting by people a lot and watching.
Just Watching |
Do you wonder what cat's think?