
True Words

Did any of you notice that I was so bored yesterday that I posted three times? I guess I should start dating then like this would be 2/18.1/08. Crap, how would I know there was going to be more than one? 2/17.1/08 is not needed because any blogger worth his salt knows the machine dates them for you.
Any one that read this stuff knows that I revel in making stuff up so the term "True" doesn't ring true. Read this bog site at your leisure but be aware that unless I quote some one everything I write is filtered through my perceptions, my memory and things I read years ago. I do find it fun to quote the local paper because I can remember things I read over coffee unless it gets more than a couple of hours later.
As I look out, it is snowing again. Not real hard but little flakes are drifting down again. We are about three times our normal "average" snowfall for the winter. This will be good fodder in the future when you will be able to say, "I remember that winter of Ought 8 that it snowed so damn much that...." You''ll get to add the last words, Hey I can't think for you. Well, I could but it probably wouldn't be poignant (Love that word, spell checker got closer this time once I remembered to put the "g" in there. I still got it wrong but aren't you proud I got close?)
This morning my horoscope said not to succumb to petty desires. Don't those idiots that all my desires are "petty". That is my last name for those of you that don't know me personally. I would also think that I don';t have major desires, mine are Colonel desires. No, not carnal, Colonel like the eagle landed on my shoulder. There was a time that Dave would tell his friends that I was a chicken shit colonel but I think I have bought my way back into his heart now.
As soon as I get ready this morning, I will take Dave's car back up to his house. If it were going to get warmer I would put the new rotors and brake pads on the car. I refuse to sit on the freezing ground or in my freezing garage to work on a car. Oh Well, such is life.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "I remember that winter of Ought7-Ought8 that it snowed so damn much that some people couldn't believe that we are actually in the middle of Global Warming"
