
Happy Valentines Day!

Did ch'a ever wonder why we spend so much time and money on chocolate and cards on February 14th? Don't ask me, I just try to follow suit and not get my butt into too much trouble. I have stopped buying the big box of chocolate with nuts and now buy those little bags of Weight Watchers stuff. Not because she needs it, but because she buys the stuff. I tried to find a card that didn't sing or poke fun of us too much. There was actually a Valentines card about a guy that has been with the girl so long that he no longer has to shut the bathroom door to take a whizz. What? I'll bet they think that there comes a time you don't have to wash your hands too.

Barb is working at the Master Gardner's booth at the Annual Lawn and Garden Show here in Topeka. They are letting the kids plant seeds in little cups so they can watch the plants sprout, grow and probably die before it is warm enough to put them out to grow. That reminds me that I owe Barb a cold frame and if it gets warm enough today or tomorrow I'll work on getting it set up. I am wondering what I will have to keep some of the warmth in on those cold nights. What I need is a clear plastic air mattress that will absorb the heat in the day and hod it all night. I'm not sure that buckets of water will be enough. Perhaps in a black bucket.

My brother-in-law is proposing that we all gather at his house for a shooting lesson for the family. He thinks that we all need to gain and keep our self defense skills sharp. I couldn't agree more. I am not sure when we will gather for our lessons but sounds like it should be a fun time to be had by all. From the description in his e-mail there will be guns from .22 cal to .45 caliber. I will be there with a 9mm auto. I think it will be a good time to shoot up all my old ammo and bring out the cleaning kit supplies. I'll probably choke when it comes to the price of replacing the ammo but hey, it should be worth the price of admission.

Today is the big K-State and KU rivalry game. KU caught K-State at home in a stretch where K-State couldn't hit the barn with a basketball from the inside. They now are on a roll and have won 5 or 6 in a row. The game is in the little apple so at least the fans will be all pumped up. Whatever happens, it will be a good game. KU lost their last game so they will want to at least show up and play well. They still have Texas, Oklahoma, and a return match with Missouri on their schedule. The only good thing in their favor is that you have to go back 4 years to find when KU lost two games in a row. (Other than their losses in the first round of the big dance a couple of years in a row)

The weather here has been a little up and down. Wednesday it was 70 and Friday it worked hard to get near 40. By late afternoon the wind and spitting sleet made it way to cold to want to be out. At least the sun is shinning this morning so there is hope it might get nicer today. They are predicting another big cold front storming in from the southwest by tomorrow so we'll have to see what the weather brings. I guess that is really the story in Kansas. Don't like the weather? Wait a day, it'll change.

Have fun out there and do something nice for your honey.



  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Mud!

  2. Keeping the plants warm at night is a challenge here, too. I usually wait until quite late before I put them out -- late May to actually plant the garden. (Northeastern Wisconsin, by the way)

  3. Aw, come on, MUD! You know it's really only necessary to wash your hands if you pee on them. (Just kidding.)

    Personally, I think Valentine's Day is a crock. I don't appreciate the pressure to spend, spend, spend. It seems like the guys get most of that pressure put on them, too. I prefer little things given on days not dictated by the calendar and card companies: a bouquet of wildflowers picked just because they were there, a back rub because he knows I've had a hard day, a book by my favorite author bought at a garage sale because he remembered who my favorite author is. That said, I was very grateful for the roses he brought home Friday night for an early Valentine's Day. Good thing he gave them to me early, too, since I spent all of yesterday fighting some stomach bug and would not have had as much time to appreciate them.
