Today I am going to the Library at 3 PM and working with the County people to show kids what a healthy snack looks like. We are going to measure the weight of grapes and mix some trail mix. Barb is going to Tecumseh South Elementary and planting the butterfly garden. Kids in several grades have been growing the plants from seeds and hopefully when they come back in the fall it will attract the Monarch butterflies as they head south.
Things here are getting green and we are slowly working to clean up the debris from dead plants as they overwintered. I had to take the chainsaw and cut up a downed tree in the front yard. Barb has the garden in good shape and will soon start planting the tender plants. Our cold frame is full of plants that are not quite ready to be transferred out to the garden. The weatherman is saying that at least a week out the weather will remain above the deep freezing weather that can kill plants. We'll see.
We have been in contact with our friends in Morocco and they have a great itinerary planned for our time there. We will fly in and out of Europe through Spain and travel by train, plane and bus to and from Morocco. I hope to have a lot of pictures for later viewing. Now if I can only find the 4 MB card and that extra set of batteries. I don't have any hope that my charger will work in Europe.
Have a great day out there and get out and do something green.
Glad to hear things are warming up in KS. I have crossed the Shit River a few times going into McCook, NE. It is a beautiful river now - a shame we had to remove what caused the shit, though.
ReplyDeleteMorocco! What a great idea! Please keep the battery charged and the pictures coming!