Just yesterday, the weatherman said we are 8 inches above the normal rainfall for the year. This morning it has settled in for a good rain. The weatherman is predicting a couple of days with on and off rain. trust me when I say there are no cracks in the ground to fill up first. This rain is going straight for the ditches and judging from the rivers, we could be in flash flood straights easily.
Yesterday was an interesting day. All morning there was a helicopter flying over our house. I finally got the electric window motor out of Barb's car and when I left here to go to the Auto parts Store a Sheriff's officer would not let me turn right (north) out of our drive onto Tecumseh Road. I guess a guy up the street threatened suicide and ran off back into the woods with his gun. By the time I got back from the parts store, there were 7 police, sheriff and highway patrol cars in the neighbor's drive. They caught the guy but he ditched his shotgun somewhere in the woods. It was only a .410 so I didn't think it was worth spending any time wandering through the brush to look for. They didn't find the gun. I did get the electric window in Barb's car to work so it wasn't a wasted day.
Better split.
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