
Watchin' the Hawks

Last night the Jay hawks played in the Jimmy Valvano Classic in Madison Square Garden. This team managed to do something that has eluded several KU Teams and won! This group of kids are fun to watch and play with a reckless abandon that drives most coaches and a few fans crazy. They turn the ball over - a lot. and in spite of some of the best passing in college ball throw it away - a lot! With that said, they win - a lot! I don't have an answer but the local paper called them wild and fun. I'm not sure I can argue with that or the results. I did like the comment from one announcer that the BIG XII Championship trophy will again go through Lawrence. There are two teams that are also in the hunt K-State and Baylor. K-State had depth to match with anyone and Baylor has "length" to match up with anyone else. If K-State had a coach that could talk with his players instead of being the Mad Hatter they could win every time. Baylor is a fun team that gets better every year.

I found it especially poignant that on the day when the Jimmy V games were played, Elizabeth Edwards passed away from Breast Cancer. Some day we will have a cure for cancer that works every time. It will take a concerted effort and $ but it will happen someday. I also want them to continue tests that detect cancer early. The sooner they start working on the cure the better the result.

I agree with Jimmy V that the mark of success in life is your ability to live it and inspire others. None of us will live forever and our only hope of success in life is our ability to live on in others. I hope that when I exit life here, I will be as remembered as my mother was. She was far from perfect, but she gave the best hugs I have ever had and damn if she didn't look good in a red dress. At one time I said, I was the only hell my mother ever raised but, after seeing her in that red dress at Mel's wedding, I'm not so sure.

The painting is done for this round and now there is the clean up to do. Barb has been very patient with me so I'd better get busy and finish the clean up.


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