
Play Hard, Win or Go Home!

Another year of basketball is about to close.  Michigan and Louisville will play Monday night and even though I don't really care about either team, I will probably watch.  I think it was remarkable that Kansas had three teams in the tournament and watched them play until each lost.  As much as I want to claim the referees caused them to lose, the truth is they all played and lost.  There is no reason to blame the players, the referees or the coaches, someone had to lose and in the end, only one team will survive and be the Champion.  66 teams should be proud of their season.

Friday started with digging a hole to fix the faucet out in the yard.  It was just enough bending to make my back sore and I didn't get nearly as much done yesterday as I had hoped.   In spite of the weather cooperating, I just didn't get the bike out and make circles.  I hope to do so today.  Then for sure I will BBQ some meat.  I think I have a big package of chicken and some pork lion slices.  I am not sure which I like the best.  I think for eating right off the grill, the pork is my favorite but the chicken added to other things is pretty darned good.  There is just almost no way I could ever pass on my smoked chicken enchiladas.  

Does anyone else wonder what the heck people in Washington, D.C. could be thinking.  Think about all the brain power there and how they come up with the solutions they do just boggles my mind.  A few years back, the Guard came out with a program that told the States to do their best to implement Total Quality Management.  Instead of using it to tweak the way we did business, many people wanted to scrap what we were doing and literally "Threw out the baby with the bathwater."   Instead of using new ways to look at processes, they stopped doing everything the way it had been done.  To me it is the way the new Health Care Initiative has been done.  Instead of looking for ways to tweak the system a part at a time they passed a bill written by the lobbyist and not read by near enough of the Congress.  There are a few things we needed to change.  Having everyone included or at least able to get insured by a pool of everyone is a good idea.  It has really turned into a universal Health Care that I am not sure we can afford.  For now, I am covered by Medicare and Tri-Care from my military service but I'm sure that the Government will find ways to make me pay more soon.   

A while back, I read that the States need to try to make changes to the way things are done.  This should allow for the really good ideas get tested.  Yep, the Kansas Republican party has driven through some changes that seem to me to be a bridge too far.  In the near term, they are trying to stop the State Income Tax but I fear the next round of Sales Tax increases will raise the cost of living a tad too far.  We'll see.

Oh well, enough of this banter, moving on for the day.  have a great day out there y'all.


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