
Important Problems

Last night, I fell asleep on the couch. (Duh Dennis isn't that what the couch is for?) and awoke to find the Dave Letterman show just coming on. His guest was Bill Clinton and guess who turned over to a new channel? I just think a combination of Bill Clinton and David Letterman is a bit much without a good wrapping of Duct tape. To make matters worse, I'm sure that Bill is out doing some Hillary bolstering and I know I am not up to much of that.

Well, I turned over to another talk show and low and behold there is another head exploder, our Pal and movie producer Michael Moore. About this time, Barb came downstairs and was working on her computer. At the end of his portion o f the program, Michael Moore said that he is proud that smart man is in the White House. Needless to say, Barb and I had a long discussion about what I feel is wrong about a Millionaire making a movie about what's wrong with Capitalism. He schleps around in New York looking like a bum and then goes back to his home in Connecticut.

Michael Moore is a guy that looks for opportunities to make money by exploiting problems. Hell, most of us don't need someone to tell us what's wrong, we need help from our leaders making things right. Michael Moore stood in front of Goldman Sachs and asked people walking out what a Derivative is? He should be standing in front of the Congress and asking that Question. How about asking Bill Clinton what he could have been thinking to allow Banks to get into the home Loan business? How about asking the treasury Department how the heck we could bail out Goldman when the Head is a former manager? If that was unique I would worry. The unfortunate part is that for years Money has flowed from financial intuitions into politics until it is hard to tell the good from the bad and the ugly.

What I think funny is that Barb can't stand Rush Limbaugh. He does exactly what Michael Moore does only on the radio and the other side. Both of these guys are entertainers and look for problems not solutions. Well, Rush does advocate throwing out the Current administration. They look at problems, gloss over the good and paint the bad with a broad brush and make money.

How long will it take the current administration to realize that no matter what we do? Afghanistan will continue to be what it was and no amount of manpower or machinery will cause things to change much. How many countries over the years have tried to introduce democracy to a closed society? If the people there have never tasted the greatness of a democracy (along with all the problems), what makes us think they want to? If you are a farmer in a third world country, what difference does it make who takes your food away? I loved it when Jay Leno the other night said that a reporter asked a farmer there why he grows poppies knowing the are such an evil in the world? He said, " I am a farmer what else should I grow?" Jay said "DUH, Food! isn't that what farmers should grow?" Farmers there are like farmers everywhere, they grow things to make money not to feed people. It is a by product if the people get fed. Kind of like the old saw that Capitalists make products or services to take care of people. No, they do those things to make money. Fail to make money and your fail as a business.

One final thought is why do we, the United States, continue to send money around the world when we are broke at home? I am not saying that I want us to be isolationists, but it might help if we isolated our money from the poor in the world if it makes us all more poor here at home. Just saying.

Oh well, that's all for my rant this morning. I started out to publish some pictures of the sky and sunflowers but felt that was just sappy when there are some more important problems to write about.



  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Great common sense post!

  2. I'm still glad I'm a citizen here and not somewhere else. I wonder how long that sentiment will last.
