

Last night, the Music Committee discussed the direction the chorus is headed and if we needed some changes.  The discussion went form being very critical to discussing the point that this is a hobby and what we do is what we do.  There are times we really buckle down and shine and there are times we just come to practice and sing.  I personally love to do both and as long as it is fun I will continue to go.

A couple of years ago, we held our practices on Tuesday night and because our director had a Tuesday night gig, we changed to Monday.  Over the years that change has cost us some members and we discussed that.  My point was that there are always reasons that people change their schedules and organizations.  We need to understand that no matter what night we choose, there will be someone that can't come. 

As a chorus of senior singers, we are all getting older.  There are some members that can't really sing anymore but they are always there.  There are members that have family members ill and they can't come. As our members retire, some are moving away to be closer to family.   For many different reasons we seem to get a little over 20 members at our rehearsals.   It makes for some interesting nights when there aren't enough Basses or Baritones.     I guess we need to work harder like any organization to attract new members. 

I don't have a good model to use as a guide for the chorus change.  In the Military we used MET-T.  That was mission, equipment (Enemy and friendly) , terrain/time and temperature.  I just can't seem to get that into my head for planning for change with a chorus.  We are working on getting exposure as a chorus.  We will sing in the Mall next Monday and sang at a Book Fair at the Capitol last Saturday. 

Right before we went outside to sing at the Book fair, we warmed up inside the Rotunda at the Capitol.  Our rendition of Home on the Range just was so great inside there where the sound echoed like we were a heavenly choir and the sky bounced our sounds back at us.  I am going to pitch to the guys that we need to see if we can get a slot on the Kansas Day Festivities there.  Might even be a good thing for the Governor's Inauguration.  We'll see.

Better move on.


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