Dennis is a retired Colonel living with his wife, Barbara, in Tecumseh, KS. Some of these Posts are filtered through the memory of a "not so Young Man" and you might have to utilize your built in crap detector to filter truth from memory errors. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum. If you wish for peace, prepare for War. Our current Congress is "Stupid with zeros on the end...
My secondary job over the weekend is to not watch one minute of the Royal Wedding coverage. Hell, we fought a war to throw those people out of our lives and watching a bunch of horse faced royals dress like it is 1940 ought to be illegal. Yes, I know Princess Diana is dead, and no, I don't care if Prince Charles and Camilla ever get to rule. Watching rich people tie up the traffic and our TV's is more than I can bear. or Bare or whatever the hell I can't do.
I have a great big lawn mower that works like a champ most of the time. When I finally did put a new motor on it, I noticed that it had an electric starter. The bad news is that I haven't hooked it up. Every time I pull the starter rope on it, I pull a small muscle in my back under my shoulder blade. One of these times I am going to put a battery on it and a hook it up so I can use the electric start. Old doesn't always equate to smart.
Oh well, better get started on my projects for today. That damned outside faucet isn't going to fix its self.

In the unit I was in, in Ottawa, KS, one of the battalion commanders told me about his attempt to placate visiting inspectors. He always left one small glaring thing wrong right by the front door of the tent and the inspectors would always jump on that and leave the real things the hell alone. Dumb old me would focus on doing the most important things right and it mattered not what anyone not directly in my chain of command thought. It finally came to a head when an old riffed major who was appointed the Sergeant major of the Field Artillery Group came in one day and started poking his nose int the business of one of the busiest young chart operators. He started with telling him about the way to do thing, that had all changed. I had to grab that old fart up and remove him from the area. I told him that when he took the time to read the up to date Field Manuals and was current he was welcome to come back and watch but keep his mouth shut. He was pissed, but he was wrong. Pretty east to take him down when his boss showed up the next day to see just how we were doing things. I started with the Field Manual and the old Colonel just went away.
I guess I am a lot like that about life. I am a lot more focused on things working right over pretty. Barb is in charge of pretty and I do mechanical and function. The good news is that she was a tightwad and managed to build up our finances to the point where we can do pretty much as we want now. Dave Ramsey said live like no one else so you can then live like no one else. Barb and I had that conversation yesterday. I told her that all my life I asked myself what did I want to be when I grew up and how did I want to live. Ta Da! I guess it is too late to worry and just start living. I sure love that lady.
Naps 'n Such
One person I talked to during the "Farm to You" experience was a mid 30's young lady that said she could not imagine not working. I shared with her that retirement gives you a chance to spread out your projects and stay just as busy as you desire. Monday, I worked on the porch out in the garage, yesterday I volunteered at the Farm to You and today I have a trip to Lawrence in mind and when I get home a short project working on a water faucet. (or a nap which ever comes first) She lives on rural property and admitted that she has a lot of projects going on and manages to stay busy. I guess that it does take some amount of something to do to stay feeling that everything is worthwhile.
In one of our discussions, the subject of where do children get their knowledge came up. I know that I got a lot of information out of books, but there was also a lot of listening to adults talk that went on. I wonder just how much real interaction is going on today with the kids. I see a lot of texting, tweeting and Facebooking but I don't see kids with adults getting to hear about the ways to live their lives. A lot of that needs to be blamed on the proliferation of ways to communicate electronically and some need to be based on the fact that adults don't want to be bothered with the chatter of kids.
Oh well, at least while it is cloudy, we aren't getting the deluge of rain that is just a couple of states south and east of here. I do feel the need for sunshine but that will happen in good time.
Farm To You
My job today was to manage and fill the water cans that filled those little cups. It took most of at least 10 gallons of water each time for four rotations of kids. It was a great time but I feel a nap sneaking up on me. My feet are the worst part of it. I spent most of the time from 8 AM to 2 PM on my feet. Oh well, nothing that a Naproxin Sodium can't cure.
Better run, my fingers are getting tired.
MUD, the Water Boy - Not to be confused with Gunga Din
I gained 5 lbs this AM
I'm sure that I could throw something together from left overs for a lunch and need to create a new dish for supper. There is still a good portion of couscous with vegetables in there. If the celery is any good, perhaps a chicken salad for sandwiches is in order.
I got up this morning with all good intentions of working on the carport roof at the rental house. It is cool, rainy and just sucked the enthusiasm right out of me. Oh well, I guess I can find something to do after I satiate my appetite.
OH Well, Can't Dance and it's too wet to Plow.
Positive Thoughts
- A couple of years back, we bought a Manufactured home near us to fix up for Dave and his wife, Barb. We took out a home improvement loan and this past month, Barb paid off the final note. That returned us to the list of debt free. It also puts Dave in a home that is paid off. Bonus!
- We have finally worked ourselves into a place in our lives that we feel free to travel when and where we so desire. Yes, the 10 day rule still applies to me. After about a week and a half I begin to get out of sorts and start missing the naps on my couch. My underwear count is about 14 and socks about 12 pair so it not a shortage of linen. I am pretty sure that there is enough warm and cold weather stuff in the closet for more than 2 weeks either way. It just has to be the disruption of my regular scheduled naps. Or, all the excitement of travel. Yep, travel overload... has to be.
- In the spring and summer, my love of smoked meats overpowers me and I feel the need to get out and fire up the grill. The supply of hickory here is pretty much self sustaining and a good hickory smoke fire just makes everything so tasty. Today's lunch will be steak and chicken cooked yesterday and re-heated. With some good old Garlic Mashed Potatoes, it will be a great dinner. Barb will see to some green vegetables and rolls. Good stuff. I think that smoked meats are better the second day after the flavor of the hickory has had a chance to infuse all the meat not just the outside.
- Both of us seem to be having a pretty good run of health. There have been a couple of minor things the Dermatologist has removed but so far we have gotten to them before they got to me.
- In the spring, Kansas (at least here in the northeastern part) turns green and it won't be long before the garden starts providing us with a harvest of good things to eat. To whet our appetites, the Asparagus starts sticking up new stalks and I love them. Barb like to get out and walk around the place and she likes to discover new edible things so it works out well. New asparagus stalks go well in about everything. We use them in omelets and yesterday I made some couscous that was dynamite with the addition of some smoked chicken and asparagus.
- About the time I start to feel too old to be fun, Kyler and Austen come over with Dave and Barb Jr. Those two guys have a way to bring out the best in me and to liven up the place. Today they will get their Easter baskets with sports clothes and sweets. Their laughter and glee will make it fun for the short time they are here. It also gives me a good chance to sharpen up my cooking skills and they seem to like most of what I like.
- I don't claim to have a photographic memory by any stretch, but yesterday I found one of the renter's checks we had misplaced. It got thrown out with all the junk mail in the mailbox when we got home. The good news was that I hadn't hauled that trash can out to the court on Friday as it didn't have much in it. I got to make a better system to keep that from happening.
See, in spite of the overload of negative things here lately, a lot of positive things are happening. To add to all of that, Barb and the dog both seem to like me.
Lies We Tell Ourselves
I think we live in a Las Vegas world. The bright lights, loud music and the glitz has us fooled into a false sense or reality. On the Strip, I sat outside when the Barbs and Dave went into the M&M shop. In the 20 minutes I sat out there, a bunch of homeless people staggered by and no one seemed to notice. A policeman rode by on a Segway adding a 1984 feel to it and it was topped by a Mexican woman sweeping up the cigarette butts. Most of the homeless were wearing rags and two had obviously just gone to the bathroom in their pants. Even my family was lured into the M&M shop and spent way too many dollars on personalized M&M's worth a few cents.
One big lie told in wars from Korea to Vietnam was that we needed to battle whatever forces were at work of soon they would be at our door. I just read a national Guard commander's comments as his unit returned from Africa and guess what? The message is that we need to be involved there or soon it will be at out door. My only question is when will the Chinese and the Japanese want their front door back. How about some of the oil rich countries start paying for the problems in the Muslim countries. Are they paying the other side to cause the instability and making us look like the devil when we rush in to play marshal every time there is a gun fight?
I am firmly convinced that conspiracy theories are a ball, but just because you are paranoid doesn't mean someone is not out to get you.
Weather Yo-Yo
I have some jobs to start but am afraid to get the patch on my nose really dirty. The dermatologist froze a place off and it blistered up and the blister broke. I am doing my best to keep it clean and covered but it is so near my glasses that I don't wear them unless I am blogging. It is so hard to not just reach up and scratch my nose not thinking about what is the real reason. I think that is the real purpose of a band aid. Oh well.
Today is my brother Rick's birthday. He was my mother's 30th birthday present. Her birthday would have been tomorrow. I have no idea how many times I answered the question 4/23/22 for her at the Doctor's office. Happy birthday brother... Mom is in heaven where every day is her birthday.
Tomorrow we will have Austen and Kyler over for our Easter treat. I am not sure what all we will do but I hope it includes a bike ride at the lake. If it is only 50, it probably won't but you can never tell.
Write if you get work.
Breakfast Photo

I also share her joy in the pretty side of growing. She plants and grows a lot of native wild flowers and grasses. Yes, once or twice a year I get a water bill that makes me wince but what else is worth our money life the water that helps her gardens grow.
Another thing worth the money is any of the money and time we spend with Barb Jr's nephews. Austen and Kyler are such a joy to have over. Their smiles and endless enthusiasm just a hoot. Those two can so more by accident that Barb and I do all week on purpose. Who else would pile up branches to make a fort in our front yard? Sticks have to be somewhere.
Better go get cleaned up. Might be able to find somewhere fun to go today. I am pretty sure I could make some asparagus with ham and eggs to eat. Probably will have supper out with the kids.
- The end state of a dream and a goal may be the same place, but generally a goal infers a plan to get you to that end state. Winning the lottery might fix some short term problems but won't fix the problem that led you to buy Lottery Tickets in the first place.
- The inference today was that winning a judgment or the lottery won't keep you out of financial problems, it will only delay getting to the root of the problem. Getting out of debt and staying that way is an end goal for us all.
Is anyone else as positive as I am that Donald Trump has convinced himself that he is Presidential material? Anyone that would stoop to have a fight with Rosie O'Donnell doesn't get the big picture. In my humble opinion, it is the congress that is the problem not the President. To get elected, they tell so many lies they don't have a firm handle on what is the ground truth is. To me, the ground truth is that everyone must share in the cost of Government. None of this 45% of the people pay no taxes. Everyone should pay a percentage of their check as a tax and close the loop holes. The Federal Government should not be able to spend more than they take in except in time of war. A balanced budget does not mean that we are able to pay the interest on the national Debt, it means that we are reducing that debt each year. I think Government should help people get an education and not give them things that keeps them tied to the Government. We can't buy everyone a house, buy their food and pay their medical bills. Some one has to be making a living and paying the bills.
Oh well, made a trip to the Dermatologist today. He froze some, cut some and I will hear more in a week or so when the biopsy is complete. I am now slathering SPF 30 when I go out on sunny days.
Now we have Thrones on HBO. It was a porno movie stretched around a book. There were naked people in every scene and the murder of a 10 year old at the end of the first episode. I won't watch it again and refuse to let people say that HBO is bringing us great entertainment. It was trash and they should be ashamed.
I think that HBO will continue to push the line until there is a reaction they don't want. I am fully for free speech but there is a limit to what should be broadcast into our homes.
Just a few new topics
- Yesterday I listened carefully as a College Professor talked about the explosion of information on the Internet. He was excited about the prospects of the new future. I have a couple of warnings about the proliferation of facts and truth on the Internet. First, we have all witness the fact that you can find many pages written about even the most trivial of things. I am convinced that when expanded beyond a reasonable point, information becomes data that must be searched through to use. I am thoroughly convinced that people believe that if it is written it is fact. The base truth is being re-written as we speak in such volume that truth, facts will both just be the noise level of data and no one will be able to stand up and be factual. Did you know that Wikipedia is being re-written without any real control?
- A few years back we were told that the Ozone layer had a hole in it because of all the fluorocarbons and we must stop immediately using Freon and hair spray. Have you read anything about the hole in the Ozone? No, because it still is there and only man made facts tied the hole to the man made products. Lets see, there was the Nuclear winter, the Ozone hole, Global Warming and now the rush to have all incandescent bulbs replaced by Compact Fluorescent. I think we are getting kicked in the teeth by people that are making things up faster than they can be verified.
- Right now we are ending the 2010 Tax season and I think our congress should be ashamed of its self. There are so many loopholes in the law that no one really knows what the true tax rate is. If you are rich, have a big house and lots of kids you may pay little or if you are poor you might have to pay at the top of your bracket without deductions. I think everyone should pay some. make more, pay more. End the loop holes and then be responsible with our money from the Federal level. If I can be debt free, so can the Government.
- I may throw up if I hear one more speech about people in entitlement programs that will lose their free lunch with the current budget cuts. If an agency can't cut their spending by 10 % I won't feel sorry. The truth of the matter is that the current cuts are less than 1%. Do you know that a balanced budget in the minds eye of congress doesn't include any payment on the Federal debt, only the interest. Perhaps they need to have a lesson from my wife Barb instead of Visa.
- I am a proud graduate of our Military system and can it be cut? Damn right it can. For starters, we need a Land Force, and Air Force and a Naval Force. In the reserves, I would give the Air Guard to the Air Reserves and the Army Reserves to the National Guard. Yep, no Marines or Coast Guard. If the Army doesn't need fighter planes, can someone explain why the Marines Do? As i see it, the only gray area is the Aircraft Carriers. I would have some of the fighter guys learn to land on ships and all the air guys would wear the Air force uniform.
Nuff Said - Mud Out.
Warm Green days
Cold in the Heartland
Just a few thoughts

What a Trip
On the Road Again
There is this strange glow in the east and here by the window it is getting too bright to read without my sunglasses. I think in the deep recesses of my memory there is a faint glimmer of remembrances of the sun. Yep, danged if it isn't sunlight not an April Fools joke.
- Blogger has been messin' with the format of my blog and the only way I can keep it any sense of format is to use the little bullets at the beginning of each paragraph. There is simply no other reason to use them but oh well.
- This morning one of the cutest girls I met in High School sent me a request to be my friend on Facebook. She was pretty and had the voice of an angel. I think she even ran fro Miss Wichita once. On a trip to Texas with the Choir, her daddy bought her college outfit at Neiman Markes (No, I can't remember the right spelling and spellchecker dooesn't have a clue). It was painfully aware that I couldn't compete in her league. Oh well, I have done right well and am as happy as a clam.
- If there is a little warm out side today, I have a lot of things to finish and a few new ones to start.
Better get cracking.