
Thoughts from Past Posts

The other day I made the point that a person's perception was their reality. I was looking through some blogs on the net and saw a post from Cincinnati.  That person said they had moved back home because it felt familiar and they could raise their family there and do well.  Cincinnati?  Yes, they were moving back there for all the familiar reasons.  While I am very happy to live here near Topeka, I would not want to move back to a big city like Wichita, my boyhood home. 

I also saw a post from  an artist that was going on a photographic safari to gather pictures they can paint.   My perception is that the reality of the pictures is what I want and painting something from a picture is somehow not right.  My perception is my reality and I can be right in my mind and wrong in theirs.  Is that possible?

I guess the post earlier this day was a lot not what I want to be, but every once in a while the Genie slips out of the bottle.  Mom always did say that I didn't suffer Fools Gladly.  I think that some times I need to slow down and rethink about my definition of the word Fool.  But, there have been times that the majority of us were tired of the foolish behavior of others and I bit my tongue when I needed to make sure that the other person knew I had the high ground and if they persisted an ambush was due. 

I have been told that I need to put on my Big Girl panties and deal. Not having ever been caught in panties, (notice the denial by absence of evidence) I can't relate but I will tell you that I have been wrong once or twice but I'm not sure I if was my perception or someone else's reality. 


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