
The Big XII Title will go through Lawrence - Again

I am not sure what the goal of the rest of you is, but I really want the Big XII to put 6 teams in the "Big Dance" and for a final to be with Oklahoma and Kansas.  But realistically, I want the teams to all to play well and for the end of the season to come to a close with out any major injuries.  I don't care about wounded pride, hurt feelings or any of that, just want the kids to be able to finish their educations.   For the first time in a long time, KU has a lot (5)of seniors on this team.  I hope they can replace these guys with good players ready to play for more than "One and Done." 

Oh well, I am off to make a dump run this morning sometime.  I need to work on the trailer tail lights first but that's no big deal.  The good news is that I have a set of taillights that will plug into the wiring of either the truck or the Ford.  Just will take a little time.  I have time to spend.

We had lunch yesterday with Amy and Ryan.  Yes, there was a lot of other people there too.  Shock, Dave and his wife Barb made it.  Barb took pictures and guess who was not in the photos?  Yep, Barb and I didn't make it.  The good news is we look like we always did except that I needed a Haircut.  Probably need a shoe shine but that would not have shown anyway. 

Yesterday we had a long talk about dogs and the effect they have had on our lives.  My first dog was a brindle Manchester Terrier I called Rex.  I can tell stories about that dog for hours.  He did not know he was small and got in some great dog fights.  Most of which he did not win and he had to have some horrible wounds fixed by Dr Gump.  The thing I will remember is the fierce loyalty he had for me.  I guess he returned the love I shared with him.  The one Rex story that stands out is the time someone said dogs won't eat sauerkraut.  I said Rex would if I gave it to him.  After small wager, I fed some to him and sure enough he ate it.  He even came back for seconds.  The bad news is that that night he passed some of the worst farts ever.  So the moral of this story is don't feed Kraut to anyone you plan on sleeping with. 

Oh well, better move on.


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