
Father's Day

In my perfect world, having the kids over for a meal and a visit is just the way I want to spend father's day.  Heck, I will even cook a good part of the meal and laugh at my own jokes and stories.  When the kids arrived yesterday, they gave me two packages.  One package was three bags full of assorted Del Taco Sauces.  The other gift was a Del Taco hat.  I guess I have shared with them many stories about my love of Del Taco's when I was stationed in California.  One of my favorite stories that my Father-in-law likes to tell is about the time we went to Del taco on Taco Tuesday and bought a big bag of tacos.  He laughs that I said, "Lets go home and get sick."  I could (and did) eat my weight in tacos.  I am pretty sure that my Brother-in-law's love of Del Taco helped them develop the Macho Burrito.    There was one woman in the Kitchen at the Barstow store that would make him a Macho Burrito that was huge. 

In addition to some great steaks we also had some chicken.  As usual, there are leftovers and the kids will come back for dinner on Wednesday and we'll have fajitas.  If you think they are good with meat cooked on the stove, you should have them made of the hickory smoked meats I cook on the grill.  Did I mention that the Vidalia onions are in season and available right now.  They are so sweet and when cooked with butter make a condiment for the fajitas that is just the best.  In the past I would home make guacamole but I am the person that likes it the best so I will probably buy the prepared stuff.  Wal*Mart has a pretty good type that comes in individual serving packets and they are good for a long time where the home made stuff lasts only a day or two.  My mother loved sour cream on her Mexican food but I have never developed a taste for it. 

Barb got me a couple of shirts and a pair of jeans.  I told her that I had 9 or 10 pairs of them but she wants me to have one pair that doesn't look like I have been working on the cars in them.  I guess I should be glad that she cares enough to want me to look good.  The only way I don't want to look is naked.    The best cure for nudity in people over the age of 40 in a full length mirror.   Barb also got me a book written by Stephen King.  I haven't really read much of his works after reading Pet Cemetery when Dave was young.  It was just too close to home for me and I stopped reading him.  Guess it is time to give it a try again.

In the family, we have worked on gift guides for years.  We had it fairly down pat when Mom was alive.  She would say, "If I can't wear it, eat it or read it I don't need it."  I am pretty much at that stage in life.  The only exception is the White Elephant gifts at our Holiday celebrations.   Pretty much anything goes there.  I am pretty sure that I could probably go into the storage room and find a gift that needs re-gifting.  The only gift that I really miss is the coffee cup that was in the shape of a woman's breast.    I am sure that one of the women in the family destroyed it because it showed up several years in a row. 

Oh well, today is the day I go to the dentist for the semi-annual teeth cleaning.  Not my favorite thing but it does keep me in contact with the dentist and perhaps with my real teeth for a few more years.  I would like to be like my parents and keep my choppers till they bury me or whatever Barb had in her plans.  I have looked into the cremation route and putting the ashes in the Military Cemetery by the VA in Leavenworth.  That sure looks like the place to be.  And, it is cheap.



  1. Good luck with teeth cleaning. Hope it all goes well throughout and match or even top all the other good stuff you've managed to secure for yourself for Father's Day thus far. All the best!

    Dominic Woods @ Metro Dental Associates

  2. For some reason I put the wrong date on the calendar. I will make my visit next month. I hope everyone takes care of their teeth.

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Too bad none of us live in a perfect world where even pet peeves don’t exist. Well, we could only make the reality as perfect as we make it. Despite dull routines such as dental checkups and the like, doing things with your love ones, particularly on special days, make the reality as perfect as we deemed it to be. Have a nice day!

    Stuart Fleming @ Dr. Hatfield
