Today is the day I go back to see Dr Baraban about my eye. After three years of being told there was nothing wrong the pathologist told us the lump under my eye was Basal Cell Carcinoma. Today is a Doctor's appointment to have him look at the results of the surgery and to decide when we will go back in for a deep tissue biopsy. (Not if, but when) That will decide if I need an oncology or not. I have my fingers crossed that they will find nothing and all will be well by Thanksgiving. Stand by for news.
As much of an optimist I am, I have had that little voice nagging me for a month or so and you have probably read a few more negative things in my blog than I would have normally included. The direction turned a little more introspective a time or two but hey, this is my blog.
I wish you could all go with me when I ride the trails and roads locally. The trail around lake Shawnee isn't not finished on the east side of the lake and you do ride the East Edge Road a little while. To make up for the lack of sidewalk, you have a beautiful view of the lake and a golf course. The Shunga trail is 7 miles of great riding. It is a lot flatter but it is also at least 10 miles for here to the start of the trail. The roads over to the lake aren't bad, just a little narrow and hilly. There are a lot of teachers and students rushing to get to school so I stay off the roads until after 8:30 AM. Yesteray it was busy early but by about 5 PM most people had abandoned the hot sidewalks. I will be out in an hour or so. Laundry be damned today.
In Kansas we normally have 4 true seasons. Our springs are an outpouring of green after a cold brown winter. In the fall there is a glorious blaze of color and then a shower of thousands of leaves as they fall to the ground. You could be anal and hate leaves but Barbara and I just accept them as a part of the cycle of ife here in the woods.
This is the year of the acorn. Most of the oak trees have hundreds of acorns under them. The acorns come in different sizes from an giant 1 inch noggin knocker to about 3/4 inch marbles that make the ground hard to walk on. About once each half hour for the last couple of weeks you would hear thunks as they fall on the house and the deck around the east side. I may try to gather up some today or tomorrow, I think I'll focus on the big ones. We have so many different kinds of oaks it might be fun to try to grow several different kinds. I hope it doesn't turn into a nut hiding experience for the squirrels. They will get hungry about December or January and start digging up their buried treasures. I do have a squirrel cage to keep the pesky critters out. It looks like a giant rabbit cage. It is the only way Barbara can keep he young plants safe in the spring and not have them turn into the local salad bar. Most people have pens to keep their animals in, we have one to keep them out.
Barbara's cold is about over and she has been a lot more fun because of her feeling better. Our relationship turns to avoidance when she is feeling bad. Me, I crave attention and sympathy when I'm ill, she just wants to be left alone. Go Away, do not collect $200.00, do not go past GO!, Go away! I might be dumb but I'm not stupid.
Oh well, it is about that time that I go get the paper and feed Tiger. Might even spend a few moments looking at the glorious new day. IT was warmer here yesterday than in Las Vegas. In fact if you looked at the Map on TV last night you saw Topeka Kansas at about 95 degrees. The warmest place in the USA yesterday. Hum, you don't suppose Al Gore is right and we are having Global Warming, Nah, it still wasn't the new record here.
Stay Cool.