
Saturday in the Fall

Saturday in the fall means reading about the High School scores and reviewing the NCAA Div I games set for today. Barb got up early and had a hair appointment prior to reporting to Michael's for her shift. I think she has some plans about a road trip but until she gets home after 3 today I'm not sure. Something was said about a Monarch that came out this week and neeing a ride south. Perhaps Tulsa isn't a bad direction with them having 72 degrees today.
These are some of the pictures of me in my Minneha years. Can't you see that little imp of peverse in those eyes? He wouldn't lie to you if you asked him not to but he could make up stuff with the best of them. The haircuts were the result of my dad thinking he was a barber. I think he had a set of clippers and he would remove anything that looked like style or hair.

Did you check out the first shirt? I told you earlier that I wanted to be a cow boy. That is until I found out that cows are nasty and cowboys walked tall because of all the "scat" on their boots. Yes boys and girls, that is the educated word for the green stuff that comes out of the south end of a north headed cow.
I didn't get in much of a bike ride this week. It was flat cold and the north wind of 10 to 15 MPH just made it a lot less fun than I wanted. I will do a little house cleaning this AM and then get out on the bike for a ride at the lake. Mom called and thinks my step brother might come by about noon so I'll probably stop by to make sure he doesn't seal the china as he leaves. (Actually if there was any china he would be welcome to have it. I was speaking metaphorically)
A couple of people commented that there was no way to make comments on my posts and I finally worked out how to get that to show up. To date, no one has used that feature. I comment on other people's blogs all the time. My favorite is to post on the first time bloggers sites that I'm number 1 to post. I know, get a life, Dennis. My next great add will be how to add links to other blogs. I'll get there. It is kind of nice to see my name on Beck'y blog and with the click of a link go to this site. I will link you to Morocco and Tulsa as my first move.
I'd better get on with my cleaning or Ill find myself explaining to Barb what the heck I did all day. Keep the sun in your face, the wind at your back and I hope you are sober enough to keep the road where it belongs.

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