
Odd Morning

It is one of those fall days that will be warm, overcast and windy. There is a front inbound and tomorrow it will not be as warm as it was cool today. I am sitting here wondering what the heck? Several things cross my mind to blog about and none spill out of my fingers on this page. Lets see if there is anything worthwhile?
  • Truth - I always want to follow this with Justice and the American Way. The more I think about truth, the less I find. About the time someone tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, a revisionist comes along and changes it. That means that the truth is only a vision of what someone thinks or can prove with come convoluted experiment. My reality is mine and you can't change it. Oh, perhaps you can. I can't be bought but I can be had.
  • Privacy - How can people say the Government should not look into their private life and then go blog their complete lives to anyone that stops at their site? There are those of us that are so public that privacy is not a concept that captures us. I also know people that are very private and in reality no one really cares about their lives anyway. Kind of like having a tattoo on your butt and never showing it to anyone. Who Cares?
  • Piercings and tattoos. I think the human form is pretty darn good. I don't understand the art of changing what we have. I really don't understand making a tatty out of someone on your body. They will change and the tatty won't. Who wants to see a baby picture on the arm of a 70 year old guy? Especially if the baby is now 50?

That is all I can stand of trying to be introspective. I'm sure that it bored you about as much as it did me. What, no pictures? Deal with it No, I do not watch deal or no deal.


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