This is the Demauro family from Oklahoma. Kristen, Becky, Kris and Melanie (The big senior this year). They will be up this weekend to go to the renaissance Fair with David and Barb. There is some weird plan to have dinner with Dracula but I don't have any control over that endeavor. This picture is almost a year old but if anything the girls are prettier. Kris must have the patience of a saint to live in a house full of girls. I'm sure that he loves them as much as we do.
In the summer months, I ride fairly early because it gets too hot later on. Now I find that I wait until it warms up a little and then ride. So far the only problem I have had is the large number of nut hulls on the sidewalk at the lake. I worry that one of those sharp nuts will poke a hole in my tire. I rode about 20 miles yesterday and feel the need to go back for more today. I will probably borrow Dave's bike so I can take Kris Demauro riding on Sunday. I think he will love the recumbent bike and enjoy the fall scenery.
Julie Reimer in Morocco finally posted updates about the girls. We really miss them and have spend the last few Halloweens with them. Will seem strange to not have them to go Trick or Treating with this year. They were a hoot. One year Kendra wore a pigs nose and it kept slipping down because she was so little. Wittle pig, wittle pig, where is your nose. On the ground, on the ground, next to my toes.
I was reading that this is ramadan and passover. How can two religions have holidays that are based on forgiveness and hate each other so much? I think it is all the fasting that causes them to be mad. How can you smile on an empty stomach?
Barb took a class last night on one stroke painting. It is really neat to see how they dip their brushes in different colors and make strokes look like flowers and leaves. Last night they worked on Sunflowers and man did they do some incredible work. The class was at Michael's and because she is a part time employee there she gets to take the classes for free. I think that is the motto of the girls in that family. The more free the better. Barbara has many talents and not near enough time to make crafts. I think she comes from a really talented gene pool and you should see some of the work done by her family here at Rabbit run. From stained glass to pen and ink drawings to metal sculpture. I think there are a few items done by a niece that Barbara holds near and dear.
Oh well, I have bored you long enough and spent an hour here at the keyboard rambling from topic to topic. Go make something happen and see if anyone notices.