
Dum, Dah Dum Dum, DUMB!

Yesterday Barb worked and then took a cake decorating class. I went over to the new house and worked inside and outside until after 3 PM. Yes, it was in the 90's and the heat factor was near 100. I didn't throw up but I did make myself sick by getting too hot. Thank god for air conditioning here at Rabbit Run. I cooled off with a shower and then sat in front of a fan for about an hour. OK, anytime I sit anywhere for an hour a nap happens. I like the way that sounds. A Nap Happens!
One part of retirement that has happened to the Mrs is that she watches way too many programs about making things and changing things. Add to that the weight watcher diet suggestions and you wind up eating low fat crescent rolls. Aren't they supposed to be rich and tasty with pats of butter on them? Barb has the blue bottle of some butter substitute and they each get a squirt to make them taste like they have real butter in them. "Bravo Sierra" or just bs. There was a painting left at the rental house and Barb had to bring it home to see, "How it looks" in the living room. It wasn't enough that she put that one up, she had to look at all the pictures and next thing you know, I'll be moving them all. Oh well, at least she has good taste and is not artistically challenged like I am.
I think I am going to rent one of those big green trash containers this week to yard off all the trash left in the rental house and the new investment house. You just can't imagine the amount of junk that you can accumulate and then not haul off. I can but the only thing I can do is fill trash bags and wait for the trash container.
Oh well, better go and get something done before it gets too hot. 4832

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