
11 Feb 1968, Las vegas, NV

This happy couple was soon separated by war. Both survived the parting and have been together for 39 years. They celebrated their anniversary by taking a trip to the Southwest and warming up far beyond the available temps in Kansas.
Dennis & Barb are at home at Rabbit Run, 4921 S.E. Tecumseh Road, Tecumseh, KS 66542.
May their happiness long endure. MUD


  1. Congrats on your anniversary!

  2. Congrats!!! Kris and I will be celebrating 13 years of marriage and 15 years of being together on March 10th. We are heading to "our" place in Eureka this coming weekend. I hope we will be celebrating 39 years one day. I am sure we will.

  3. Belated Happy Anniversary!!!
    Sounds like your AZ trip was a blast!
