The first, and longest pole in the tent this morning was getting the turkey ready. I had it ready at least an hour before it needed to go into the oven. We are going to eat at 1 PM and it takes about three hours for the turkey to roast. Done.
Now the list goes on... The potatoes will be the next longest. I have everything but the potatoes ready. I will also do some green bean casserole next, Barb will do rolls and set up. It really is not a big deal when everyone pitches in. The sink is empty and I will probably run the dishwasher so we can put the post dinner dishes straight in the dishwasher. I will do my best to not fall immediately into a nap but no promises.
Yesterday Barb made me take the day off. I was going to put brakes on her car but she knew just how tired I was and that it would have just wore me down to the nubbins. My job list is getting shorter as they get done and the weather is getting colder. I have a couple of things to do at Dave's and the brake job left. Then it will be time to read a few books and catch up on rest. It is amazing how the things can slow down with a little cold and snow. Sometime about April things will pick up. I will do some trimming out on the rental house and some painting. Might even patch a few cracks here at Rabbit Run.
I am amazed that since 1928, the difference between the richest and the poorest is at the largest amount. With the Gates' giving millions to the poorest people, that should be closing. That does nothing to help with our hate and divisions in the USA. I thought that electing Barack was going to help us here at home and abroad. Seems like all it did was expose us to all the problems and there is no message that we are doing well or getting better. Pretty much it has done is put Jesse Jackson and AL Sharpton on the front page of the news paper every day and everything is the fault of the white guys. Seems like some of the old messages are not being visited. Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself. Give him a fish and he will want another tomorrow. The only black man that had a message to the poor that they need to work at things has been now accused as a rapist. Is it a "Vast Left Wing Conspiracy" to quote Hillary with a twist.
I am going to put on a bright face for the rest of the day and share with our family. I hope you can find it in your heart to find things to smile about and stay positive.
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