
Gettin' Ready

We have invited the family over this weekend to celebrate the April Birthdays and I am really looking forward to the great time with the family.   It is also a good excuse to start the spring house cleaning, and well deserved too I might add.  Barb has been really busy doing her gardening thing and I have just been too lazy to work hard inside the house.  

The son of my best friend lives near Dallas and posted a picture of his daughter riding her new bicycle.  Barb and I have been riding our recumbents over at the lake and know fully well what the wind in our face puts a smile there.  We rode from the South end up to the dam this last week and it was clear that we were both not in bike shape.  Like ship shape but without the legs.   The first hill from the south is long and it just makes my knees hurt when I try to zip up the hill.   I was glad to see the picture of our newest bike rider and that she wears a helmet.  

I think it is funny that people watch the "Roasts" on the comedy channel and then make such a fuss over a couple of the same type of jokes from our Mayor.  I will point out that he was a lot cleaner than the Comedy Channel stuff.   It must have been a slow funny day as Jay Leno put the mayor in one of his segments.  How can you be funny today if the Political Correct Nazi's are out there reporting any attempt to tell a joke that might offend everyone.      

Lately there have been several attempts by the bloggers to play the job of the President down.   Many have reduced it to a figure head and a lot more like a celebrity position than the true merit of the job.    I feel the job of the President is to set the tone and be the cheerleader of our Nation.   He should have some leadership skills and be able to arbitrate failings between the parties.  I think it is important that we have the three parts of our Government and the executive branch should be where the direction for the future comes from.  My biggest disappointment in the Obama administration is that his "Change" has been lacking.  

Oh well, I guess it is about time to get cracking on the day.  Just a little more cleaning and we'll be ready for the people to come here and enjoy the hospitality and family.


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