
And Again, It Rained

At least the really bad (F-3) tornado stayed well to the west of here.  I was watching the basketball playoff game when Barbara came down and told me about the really bad weather west of here.  It didn't reach here other than more rain.  It also rained again this morning.  Things are getting soggy here.

Yesterday I went up to Dave's to be there when the Septic System was pumped.  I am sure glad it went well.  It would have not taken that much longer for the lateral field to have been filled.  The guy who owns the truck said 10 years for two people would probably be OK but when he looked at the baffle, he changed that to 5 years.  Oh well, it probably had not been done since it was put in in the early 90's. 

One of these days, if and when it stops raining, I am going to hire Kyler to come over and give me a hand putting a roof on the little shed at Dave's.  I also need to clean the guttering at the small rental house and build a lid for the septic system at Dave's.  I think I can keep him busy for a couple of weeks.   I also need to clean the roof at the big rental house but I will probably have a professional put on a new roof.  There is a little siding needed on the garage but hey, there is time.

We sent off for our passport renewal and sometime I will do my best to find a Space A flight somewhere.  We don't have any destination in mind but we will go somewhere.

Better get busy here with chores.


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