
Oh No, I said What?

You can take the Colonel out of the Army but you can't take the Army out of the Colonel. I worked in the Pre-school all day and it was a lot of fun. About 2:15 the kids were coming up on a period called "Recess" as opposed to free play in the room. It was sunny, windy and cold. When I said lets go outside I also added "and blow the stink off". But techew, we don't stink! I turned around and the cutest little girl was so concerned that I might think they stink. It was all I could do to smile and tell her that that's what my dad would say and I didn't mean anything personal. We managed to be out for about 10 minutes when I circled the wagons and brought them back in.
Today was Chili and Cinnamon rolls at school. There is just something about the rolls that just makes your day. I thanked the kitchen ladies and one of them asked if I wanted to come in on the 15th of February and learn how she does it. Heck yes, with bells on. One of the schools is having some kind of an open house and they need 700 cinnamon rolls. I sure hope they are as good as they were today.
Oh well, the Hawks play on ESPN tonight at 8 PM. Rock Chalk, Jayhawk. Go KU! MUD

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