
My list of 10 things!

My list

The following is just 10 things, in no specific order, that cross my mind as I sit here trying to think of 10 stupid things to put on the site:

1. I think it is cold to help us appreciate the really nice weather in the spring and summer.

2. When are we going to wake up and realize that teachers should be the high paid people in our society not athletes?

3. In the long run, wouldn’t it make sense for Gates to give us the new operating system and charge for updates? Why would the average person change their operating system other than when they buy a new system?

4. When is someone going to come out with a magazine for us old car nuts that stresses how to build a 57 Chevy that gets 30 MPG not run a quarter mile in 12 seconds? Yes, I want a heater, a radio and an air conditioner in there also.

5. Why do we spend so much time teaching Algebra and no time teaching kids about real money? How to budget and save is very important. One piece of info I read told kids they should budget at least $100 per month for food. I asked most of them if they would eat out at lunch and most said yes. I asked them how much a typical lunch was and most agreed that $5.00 is about the average. They also agreed that they eat out around 20 days a month while working. Heck, that’s $100.00 right there and there are a whole lot more trips to Burger King and Pizza Hut during the evenings and weekends. Stupid books!

6. The number one equation in life needs to be, Income must be equal to or greater than Outgo. You can tip this upside down a little while but in the long run you must make more than you spend. Did I mention that you also need to save?

7. The other day one sports broadcaster said something about a loss bringing a moral victory or lesson to the loosing team. Is he nuts? we want wins not moral anything. Beat their butts like a rug on the close line. Sports are about winning and the joy of cheering when we win. Moral victories are like wetting your pants in a dark suit. It gives you a warm feeling and most of the time you hope no one else notices.

8. Anything your wife doesn’t see you eat doesn’t count while on a diet. If a man tells a story in a forest and no one hears, is he still wrong?

9. At the end of your life you aren’t likely to say, “Gee I wish I had spent more days at work.”

10. Thank god for Statins and blood pressure drugs. I might live long enough to have Barb retire and get in a little traveling.

OK, enough of this. “Breaks over, back on your head” Maybe next time I’ll tell you the joke not just the punch line.


  1. now tomorrow you need a 'Wordless Wednesday' some intersting picture that we can all comment about...then 13 things for 'Thursday Thirteen' and something for "Pet Friday'.

  2. Jenn Has everything all planned out for the week doesnt she..
    I like the song I put on my site. Mom bought the CD yesterday so I am going to have put it in my car and listen to it on the way to Kyles and everywhere I have to go =)
    And Amy Lee (the singer of that song) is very pretty. She is also one of my favorite singers.

  3. So...you are sneaking food eh???

  4. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Hey MUD.
    How are you...I pretty Good..I would enoycomments from you. The Only Comments I get are from Melanie telling me no one cares about y underwear or how her body wash smells like her boyfriends feet and doesnt like it. She's weird but i LOVE HER. lol Se's awesome....Soooo......Bye?
    Kristin <3

  5. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Hey MUD.
    How are you...I pretty Good..I would enoycomments from you. The Only Comments I get are from Melanie telling me no one cares about y underwear or how her body wash smells like her boyfriends feet and doesnt like it. She's weird but i LOVE HER. lol Se's awesome....Soooo......Bye?
    Kristin <3

  6. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Sorry...I posted two. lol

  7. Hear, hear!! Teachers are definitely NOT paid what they are worth and what they are worth is priceless!!

  8. I agree, Mud. The education thing... kids should learn the algebra AND the common sense budgeting thing...delayed gratification should be a required course and the SEX ED should be just a PART of it....
    The dieting thing goes for the wives, too...sure make me feel guilty as I read that... i'm pigging on a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup... to the gym wit ya wench!... no seriously ..hubby is great..never says a thing. ... CUTE baby pics... and i can never tell you vets enough THANKS!

  9. oh... and another death bed wish...."I wish I'd spent more time watching television....:0
