
What Do You Get?

What do you get when your team is full of young team members. They show up about 5 times out of 38 as the young players they are. About 33 times they win and beat great teams but every once in a while their inexperience shows up and they lose. The wide eyed innocents, like me, expect them to win all 38 and for a short while act like we were punched in the nose when they don't. Another season is closed and we will move on until the next round ball season when we can cheer our teams on to whatever. I know there are some UCLA fans out there still on the cheering bandwagon, but I will forgo that this time. This time of the year only 6 teams are still in the dance and they are all good.

I will still root for my beloved Jay Hawks and go work on my taxes. I guess I should be glad I made enough money to pay taxes.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the Jay Hawks, could be worse - The Toronto Maple Leafs have not won a Stanley Cup sin '67, and will likely miss the playoffs this year.
