On Monday I taught High School Chemistry. On Tuesday I taught third grade. Today I had to take a day off because the third graders were tough on this old guy. My feet hurt, by body is tired and my mind is shot.
I really had to get some paperwork filled out for my Age 60 retirement from the Army Reserves. With three years on Active duty and another 3500 points (the equivalent of ten years on Active duty, my retirement should be a nice addition to my retirement fund. That will start in August and they wanted the paperwork early.
I see my School Board opponent has posted those little paper signs on wire supports all over the district. I am not going to do anything like that. I decided that those people that know me will vote for me and the other half of the people will vote for whatever name pops in their head. If it is his, so be it. I really don't think it will be a bad thing for the patrons of our district no matter who wins. He is a Gentleman and a fine father to his family. I am old.
I had a ball this morning going to the State Defense Building and visiting with all my friends (that are still there). Today I met a Major who was the son of one of my mentors. I didn't know him when I was active. A young officer that I mentored is his mentor and introduced me to him. The part of the business that doesn't change much is the secretaries. They are still pretty much in place and have all the true stories. The three fastest forms of communication are telephone, telegraph and tell a secretary.
Better get on with my work, I think I feel a nap coming on.
Best of luck in the election!