
Weather in the Heartland

At the Kansas Army National Guard Military Academy in Salina they had a weather rock. The sign said it the rock was wet, It was raining. If the rock was dry, it was clear. If the rock was swinging, the wind was blowing. last night, that damned rock would have been dancing and damp. The good news is that the really bad stuff went around us to the north and then the south. This morning I ambled out to get the paper in my shorts and T-shirt and realized that I had made a mistake as soon as the first breeze hit me. It probably is in the low 40's with a 20 MPH wind. Barb said the wind chimes were ringing off the hook all night.

Here's another little ditty that I found in the picture box:

She rises up at the break of day,
And through her tasks she races.
And cooks the meal as best she may
And scrubs the children's faces.
While schoolbooks, lunches, ribbons too,
And yet the census man insists she has "No occupation."
When the breakfast dishes are all done,
She bakes a pudding, maybe;
She cleans the rooms up one by one,
with one eye watching the baby.
The mending pile she then attacks,
By way of variation,
And yet the census man insists she has "No occupation."
She irons for a little while,
The presses pants for daddy;
She welcomes with a cheery smile
returning lasses and laddie.
A hearty dinner next she cooks
(No time for relaxation)
And yet the census man insists
She has "No occupation."
- Anon
I would add that today a lot of women skip the mending and ironing but to make up for that lost task, have full time jobs. We all do what we do to make our way in this world and things have changed since that poem was written. I wish that more women would have the time to be home and see to the children but times have changed.
Better get moving and on to today's tasks might even start a list of things I need to do but then again maybe not.

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