
Simple Haircut

For years while in the Military, I went to the Barber Shop twice a month and got the simple Military haircut. The goal there is to not remove tons of hair but make it look like I just had a haircut. Now that I am retired, I visit about once a month and the goal now is to remove a lot of hair but not make it look I just stepped out of the barber's chair. My local Barber Shop is one of the few remaining here in Topeka. I guess the rest of the guys are going to Mastercuts for the specials there. I can't abide the smell of the products in the Beauty shops so I'll remain with one of the old barbers as long as I can.

The Barber Shop I visit had at one time three barbers and you could walk in and sit down about any time of the day. You might have to wait a little while but they had a TV, the paper and magazines. My shop dropped down to two barbers and this past year the owner and number one barber died. The number two barber bought the shop from the widow and has had a lot of trouble hiring a second barber. If you want a haircut from him, you are forced to make an appointment, Today was the first time I have ever set an appointment for a haircut. I guess I knew it was coming to that but dang, I hate it when that happens. 62 years of a tradition is just a long time. My barber allots 15 minutes for a cut and he programs 4 an hour. If the next guy is running a little late, he might take a little extra time with the back massage and the vacuum. If not, 15 minutes and bang you are done.

The new come back to KU fans from the K-State fans is, "Got any Tickets?" The whole Lew Perkins thing has the credibility of KU in question. It was pretty apparent to me that when the Football program had to replace Coach Mangino for cause, it was time for the Athletic Director to start floating his resume. It took a little longer than I thought but a change is in the wind. I thought that when Oklahoma State waived a fist full of cash in Coach Self's face and he stayed, the programs at KU were pretty tight. I didn't realize how loosy goosy the whole ticket issue was. The local newspaper reporters say this is a big time problem nation wide and the NCAA will probably jump in with both feet come this fall.

Things here at Rabbit Run are in that transition between spring and early summer. It had been 90 and at least one day in the low 70's. We had a week of rain that put down 6 inches of moisture and just yesterday I pointed out to Barb some cracks in a bare patch in the yard. Barb has the garden mostly planted and we have eaten a few things she grew in the garden in a bag demonstration garden she planted. She took a bag of potting soil and put it one of the old Red Flyer wagons and planted a garden in it. If it looked like it might frost, she would bring the wagon into the garage. This worked pretty good. She also used a shed I made with storm windows and a storm door to get an early start.

Oh well, better move on smartly and see what I can do to earn my keep. Wouldn't want Barb to pull a Tipper because I didn't pull my weight.


1 comment:

  1. "Wouldn't want Barb to pull a Tipper because I didn't pull my weight."


    MUD, I know what you're saying about the barber shop. I grew up getting my head scalped by a guy named Clyde Colvin that worked at Old Man Richardson's barber shop...just around the corner at the shopping center where my Daddy's Appliance & TV store was.

    If me, and my brothers came back with too much hair left, Daddy would send us back around there and say to us, "Tell Clyde he didn't finish."

    The old barber shop closed up probably 25 years ago. Old Man Richardson died. His son who worked there went to work as a Fireman. But, Clyde opened up his own place on Barksdale Blvd. right around the corner from my house.

    He cut my hair...my two brothers' hair, and Daddy's until he finally shut it down and sold it to a little Thai immigrant lady.

    She did really good there...built the business up, and moved to a really nice strip center in the better part of town.

    I have to call for an appointment now...oh wait...I really don't call any more. I've started buzzing my own head for the last couple of months.

    It's quite liberating.
