
Where Do We Go From Here?

This beautiful Bronze work of art sits next to the butterfly house on the Kansas State University Campus in Manhattan, Kansas. It is a young person reading a book and pauses to look at the beautiful bushes and butterflies. It is an inviting place to sit down and ponder what it is all about and where do we go from here. It is a place of quiet and beauty in the wonderful garden on the main campus. I wish you all could go there and see how KSU has made their old dairy barn into a showplace.
I would also recommend you go to the Konza Prairie nature walk and see what Kansas looked like before all the cars and fences. I didn't get over by the buffalo enclosure but if it is anything like the one at Fort Riley it is spectacular. Last night the local PBS station aired an 1988 program that showed the buffalos there. A big male walked by the camera and I swear the ground shook from his size and magnificence. I understand we didn't know better but it was a shame to kill the buffalo in its natural setting. The white man thought that was the only way to control the red man and a bunch of hunters did the deed.
David's Step-sister-in-law is still in a coma after having her heart episode. They said she opened her eyes yesterday but there was no response other than that. The family is just ripped apart emotionally. I only hope that it doesn't drag on forever. My choice is that she opens her eyes and says "howdy". We'll see. Barb Nicolle (Dave's wife) is nearly a basket case. She is so tired and stressed and then can't seem to rest when she does close her eyes. We took her to dinner last night and she and Barbara always have many things to talk about. It was a fairly quiet dinner. After we took her home, we both fell asleep on the couch watching whatever was on about 8 PM. I hope Barb did the same.
Be safe out there, Keep your powder dry, plant your corn early, don't count your eggs.... MUD

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