

Someone 'splain to me how the current losses in Afghanistan is any different than the losses under George Bush? Oh, you mean Hopey Change has actually ramped up the war and now we are losing a record number of soldiers? Thought that would be your answer. Over the last couple of hundred years, more than one country has tried to go in there and clean up the mess. Is it finally time that we just call it a win and leave? Who would notice besides the people we send there to fight, and their families.

We are up to 84 failed banks so far this year. It is like reading the obits to see if I am in there. I read the paper to see who is the next failed bank. So far I haven't lost a dime in any of the closings. I do keep my deposits spread out so no one bank will take me with them.

I spoke with my neighbor this morning and he runs a sign company. He has had to lay off all of his part time employees. He is down to a core of full timers and is not sure how long that can continue. The unfortunate part about all of his part timers is they are the old guys supplementing their retirement income and that has to be a challenge to them to get by on their fixed income. If Social Security doesn't come in for a raise next year, the term FIXED will be a reality.

Speaking of Reality, isn't it the job of the President to give messages to different groups. Isn't keeping kids in school a good thing? While I don't agree with the President and the Congress as they indebted us to the new tune of 11 Trillion dollars, I do agree that we should give our kids the message to go to school, work hard, save a little money when you can and obey the laws. At least lets give him the chance to say his message before we crap in his mess kit.

I think this is the year we will attend the Kansas State Fair. Looks like we are going to combine a road trip with a fair visit. Barb has never been to the fair in Hutchinson and I haven't been in over 40 years. Oh well, not much else new here at Rabbit Run. Write if you get a chance.



  1. I don't know what the right thing to do for Afghanistan is. I just finished reading The Kite Runner which, while fictional, paints a very good picture of life in Afghanistan for the past 40-50 years. I feel torn between wanting to help people in countries like that and thinking that it just isn't our place and whatever we do will not help much in the end. We can't maintain a military presence in every country with evil men trying to run it. We can't be the world police. Bottom line, I think I would just like for it to be over. Right. NOW. Before my son has a chance to get sent over there. Oh yes. I am *that* parent they talk about on those horrid Marine Corps recruitment posters. Except I'd rather someone else's son not have to do it either. Not if it isn't in defense of our own country. Not if the people are just going to go back to their way of doing things when we eventually have to pull out.

    I wrote what I think about this hoopla over the President's address to school children over on Facebook. In short, I think it's ridiculous that people are upset. Yes, parents should have the option of keeping their kids out of a political address, but I think those parents are fools if they do. More education, not less, folks. If you disagree with what's being taught at school, use it as a teachable moment to establish your own values and beliefs. Talk with your children. Just because you send them to public school doesn't mean your job is done and you should expect the school to only teach what you believe. Ha! I said "short" and I could just keep going here.

    I doubt if we will go to the fair this year. We went quite a bit when the kids were younger and involved in 4-H and Scouts and had projects to take up there for judging. It was fun, but there's such a lot of people all smooshed together. The people are fine, but they have trouble respecting my personal space boundaries. I wish they could see the invisible one foot bubble around me, and then we'd get along much better at the fair or the River Festival.

  2. I believe that if our President was just giving a little "Stay in school" pep talk I would not have a problem, but some of the things I have read and heard bother me. I don't believe my kids will even have the interest to pay attention but I DO NOT TRUST this man and I really don't want him talking to my children, especially when I am not there to sort out the bs!

  3. I have very mixed emotions about Afghanistan. Julie has shared many wonderful moments of her life there. In her home there are many books with pictures of the place and I can imagine loving it, if it was my country. The Afgghanistan in the kite runner doesn't exist today.
    Kim, the speech is a wonderful teaching experience for you and yur kids. Let him talk and then tell them what you think. Guess who they love more and will listen to. MUD
