For about half of my life, I worked at least one Saturday and Sunday a month. There was one year when I had fewer of them off than I worked. Hell, one year, I didn't take any of them off and found myself working 24/7. (Vietnam) Yes, this is the dreaded Military Day blog from an old soldier. I can remember every day in uniform even if I can't find my damn glasses in the morning.
The question of the day is could we afford to not have the large Military serving as we do? Where in our current system of businesses could we find productive employment for that fine young group of men and women? Yes, I would cut back a little on the combat roles we play but realistically where is the answer to the money we spend on the Military? If we didn't produce Hummers out of Detroit Diesel what the hell would they produce?
Where in the world would we find a way to replicate the sense of honor and the ability to be lead and then lead others? There is nothing like sleeping on the ground in a combat zone to make your bed back home better. Eat a few combat ready meals and see just how damned good a ham sandwich back home is. I won't even get into how alone you can feel in the dark of night and just being in bed with a warm breathing body at home feels.
I hope everyone out there takes a few minuted today to think about our men and women serving in all branches and capacities. I will.
COL (Ret)
Mud, well said.