
Some of my Favorite People, Part 2

D'is is my Momma with her oldest Great Grand Daughter Amy. I didn't catch mom with her eyes open but you can be sure that she isn't caught not knowing what is going on.

This is my oldest sister Myrna Sue. She was the temporary owner of the Jayhawk's hat at the Christmas party. She has been having a slightly rough path with her health and we sure worry about her. Myrna is the mother of Janet.

This is Janet, Myrna's oldest daughter and her daughters, Amanda and Amy. Amanda just moved to KC from Idaho and is in the process of finding herself for now. Mostly she is working and living with my last post, Jenn. Amy is living in Birmingham, Alabama and this last year married Kieth. Amy is working and going to school and....

and at out last family get together shared that she and her husband are going to add to the population of this world. Kieth is the part owner in a Construction Company and the guy that does the bidding. Amy's job for now is to book golfers on golf tours for a company that can have you play from Birmingham to Louisiana. Don't you just know that these two will have the cutest baby(s).

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