
I just looked outside and noticed that the suet block holder was empty again.  I think that in warm weather they just get so soft that they melt like snow.  I have about five more and then I will stop putting them out for the year.  The woodpeckers will just have to start pecking for bugs in the trees again.  There is no shortage of trees here at rabbit Run so that won't be a big deal. 

Jake the Snake

Just for the record, the picture above is a picture that barb took of Jake the snake. He is a five or six foot long black snake that has been around here forever.  he looks fearsome but he slithers into a hole whenever one of us gets near.  There are old snakes and bold snakes but no old bold snakes.  He has a good sense of self preservation.

I think Mother nature is working hard this morning to let people sleep in.  It is overcast and not windy.  The only sound I could hear when I went out to get the paper was the birds and the rumble of motorcycles off in the distance.  When the weather gets this good, there are rides going everywhere.  Many of Topeka's finest also ride down the turnpike to Cassiday for the breakfast served there.  It is a little town of about 50 people that has several hundred bike riders show up once a month for a breakfast.  I think the restaurant hires most of the people in the town to help out.  Oh, I mentioned to Barb that either this morning or tomorrow the paper would have articles about the riders that had accidents.  This morning a 50 year old was there as he wrecked his bike over on the west side of town.  No helmet I noticed.(Note - On Monday morning there were no new accidents to note)

I hear the Master Gardener stirring so I'll stop writing here.  I'll add more later on today.  We had the kids over for dinner and then had a great long talk.  Sure love those guys.


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