
Dirty Car

The other day I took the Crown Vic to the car wash and the end result was that after $3 worth of quarters the car looked as bad as when I started.  I found some car wash in the garage at the rental house and decided to do a hand wash on the car this morning.  I realized that the car wash soap I found had to be in the garage prior to 1990 and needless to say it was a gel not a liquid.  It did re-hydrate back into a fine wash and when the car is dry I will check out the results.  It did dawn on me that I hadn't washed the car since I started putting it in the garage.  Some of the gunk on the finish was just petrified dust and droppings.  I really had to scrub in places. 

If you were going to feed a large group of people next weekend, what would you cook?   One item on the menu will be a beef brisket that I will grill about half way done with a good smoky fire.  I will bring it in and put it is a pan.  After a night in the fridge, I will slice it and apply a liberal dose of KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce.  Put it in the oven low and slow for a couple of hours (Or the crock pot) and I have never had much left over.    I also bought some good Rib Eye steaks and a couple of packages of chicken breasts.  I will freeze the steaks until Wednesday and probably cook most of the chicken tomorrow.   I will pick up some fresh chicken for the cook out on Thursday.   Sam's club had some good looking green beans and the last bunch I cooked on the grill were just the best.  I will make a boat out of aluminum foil and cook them with a little bacon and butter.   Smoky goodness.   I haven't decided what starch to cook but I'm leaning towards a good hot German Potato salad in the crock pot. I am making myself hungry just writing about this meal.  Perhaps we will throw in a good salad. We have enough tomatoes to send some home with everybody  I'm sure that Barbara had some great dissert ideas that include chocolate dipped strawberries and perhaps some watermelon.

Tomorrow, the Barbershop Chorus will sing at three churches in the area.  It is designed to give their choirs the day off.   We sing three song out of the list of five.  They are Amazing Grace, I Believe, I'm Feeling fine, Lost in the Stars and Spiritual medley.    We generally show up with about 20-25 singers and because the songs are just the greatest we blow the doors off the churches.  Mom would be proud that something gets me inside of a church.

The weather here is so changeable that it is not funny.  When the wind blows from the north, it gets down in to the 60's at night.   80'S in the daytime and low humidity.  When that wind turns to the south, the humidity goes up at least 20 percent and the temps match that and then some.  Yesterday the Heat Index was almost 110 in the late afternoon.  We went across town and the parking lots there were brutal as the air gets superheated by sun and I'll bet it was closer to 130.  Oh well, we didn't dawdle outside.

I am sorry to say that one of my class mates just got dropped from Facebook for inappropriate language.  I tried to tell her that it was inappropriate but she told me that it was her favorite word.  Oh well, she can use it anywhere she so desires, just not on my Facebook Page.  I try to not be a prude about such things, but I do have a couple of young teen age friends that just don't need to read inappropriate stuff like swear words.  Had they been used really funny, I might have let them slide.  In this case it was an attitude described by Fecal Matter.  Bye, Bye, my old friend.

This morning it dawned on me that this Friday I'll be 67. (2014-1947 = 67, I think)   My real birthday present is our visitors on Thursday.   I hope to have a good time with them.  They always seem to come to Kansas right when the weather is at its worst.  Oh well, it is a moist heat.  Is that a good thing?  


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