
Restin' Up from Restin' Up

Back in the day, I loved the weekends so I could get out and do something fun and good for myself. I never thought for a moment that it would take at least a day of the weekend to rest up if I had a busy week.  Retirement is a time for doing things at a pace you can stand.  One comment I hear from my friends is they don't know how they got everything done when they worked.  I guess it is all attitudinal. 

It is a shame that youth is wasted on the young.  Back as kids we didn't have enough money to do the really fun and exciting things and in the middle it was not enough time.  Now, it seems that just as we have an intersection of time and money it is just the amount of energy we lack. 

OK, enough of the pity party.  It is raining today here in the heartland.  I had intentions of going to look for a good mower and even if I did find one, I couldn't use it today because of the rain.   Does it seem that I am negative today?    I shouldn't be, I got a good day of rest and a good night's sleep.

A few years back, I had to take my mother for a weekly blood test when she was on Warfarin.  Now that I am on Xerelto, the blood tests are a thing of the past.  There is one problem with the new stuff is there is not a really good anti thinning medicine and I need to be careful and not really injure myself.  They say cold compresses will do the trick.  So far other than a minor nose bleed I have been pretty injury free.

Are you really good at anything that gives you pleasure?  It doesn't have to be anything that involves demonstrating your prowess.  You can just be a great reader and look for good books to read.  Perhaps you can write and enjoy the outcome.  I don't know how good I write but I am prolific.  I think my best claim to fame is my singing.  When we were to get our feedback at the weekend sing out, the guy that was the "Bass Killer" didn't mention our Bass section so we must be doing something right. 

Oh well, enough of this, I'd better move on.


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