
Saturday's Can Be Expensive.

This morning I was up bright and early and convinced Barb that we needed to go to Lawrence for Breakfast.  She immediately agreed and I should have known something was up.  We both tried something new at First Watch and were both disappointed. There was no line so I should have known something had changed. After that we went over on the KU Campus where Monarch Watch was having an open house.

What Barb didn't tell me was that they were also having a plant sale.  She went through the lines of plants handing me what she selected.  They filled a beer flat and when I got to the end of the line it cost me $70.00.     Then we stopped at the Hy Vee Grocery store and a few steaks and some chicken cost me another $90.00.   OK, the $20.00 I spent on Lottery tickets was really not needed but hey, If you can afford to gamble it is no big deal. 

What would you change if you won the lottery?   The first thing we would change would be our telephone number.   The I would get the best accounting firm I could find and see just how much I could share with members of the family and minimize the taxes.   I am sure that our son could take a good part of the winnings if someone else figured out what taxes needed to be paid.  As for me, I really don't need much....   Well, there are a few toys I think I want.  I already have everything I need.

On yesterday's post, I had a comment from a person that served at Fort Irwin when I was assigned there.  He dropped out of OCS and was sent to Fort Irwin to deploy with a unit that deployed a couple of months before we did.  He too remembered the sand and the wind there and I am pretty sure that he was as glad to get out of there as I was.  Even the 19 day boat ride to Vietnam and the year there did not make us to want to go back to the middle of nowhere.   The north end of Fort Irwin (Now the National training center) was the south end of Death Valley...

The grass here at Rabbit Run has escaped my control and if I don't get out there and do some mowing this afternoon it will need a heard of goats or bailed for prairie hay.


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