
Poetry & Music

While looking for music to load on my I-Phone, I ran across a CD from Mark "Tiger" Edmonds that he sent me a few years back after I wrote him. He is a long lost cousin of my Dad's and one interesting dude. He taught English at St Leo University down in Florida and rides a motorcycle and writes poetry. His CD is called "The Distance Through the Handlebars" It is just great stuff. He calls it Epic Motorcycle Poetry and Music. He has a measured cadence and a deep bass voice that just makes it such a treat to listen. Just for Kicks and Giggles, I looked Mark up on Youtube. The Pasco County Tribune did a series of three minute interviews and it was sure worth the time to visit. His Pithy reflections are done, "To pith you off".

This morning started early and I went out to play fetch the stick with Taco. On these cool mornings he manages to do a better job of staying in the game. On warm days he was only good for about three runs and then he had to walk back. This morning he stayed with it for 10 throws and he seemed to walk back a little faster. He doesn't mind that I give him a brushing during the interludes between throws. It never hurts that I have a good cuppa coffee to go along with the visit. Yes, you can say my life has gone to the dogs with a straight face.

I am going to work on my quotes, straight talk and Petty Corollary post when I get finished here. I will steal ideas from any source I can. If I can remember where I hear things, I will give tribute to the author but I am a lot loose about research to find source so don't expect scholarly footnotes. Perhaps tomorrow I can have something to start worth reading. OH Well, enough today.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting! I will have to look him up.
