
A Great Game

The Kansas State Wildcats played a great game last night and managed at the end of the second overtime to finally put an end to Xavier's hot three point shots. Anytime a team scored over 100 points, you know that it was a hotly contested game and it went from tip-off to the final buzzer. To have a combined total points near 200, it was more like an all star game than a basketball game. If you blinked, you missed a lot of points. If I were to say so now, KSU looks like a final 4 team to me.

When is it not cruelty to an animal to put it down? I have an old black lab female that is so skinny that she is just skin and bones. I feed her every day and she still seems to be on the way out. I need to get the shovel out and dig a hole sometime today and find her some peace. I will probably let her run free out of the pen today and have some time to visit the place one last time.

On the high side, we have had a lot of visitors to the Valley Brook house and barb is going to advertise it for an open house on Sunday. One of the houses I looked at a couple of blocks from the house sold early this week. It really wasn't a comparable for the house as it was a lot more modern but it was also about $30,000 more money. Sometime this weekend Barb and I will probably go over and do some yard work. We have some grass seed and a few things to haul off. Oh well.

It is spring and allergy season here in the heartland. I need to make a trip to Wally-World and pick up some medicine. If I wait until I am fully congested, I am in trouble. Dang Blood Pressure.


1 comment:

  1. MUD, my old black lab Midnight was the finest, smartest animal I ever saw. She was the protector of my place, and a constant source of joy to my family.

    When she started going downhill, I could not bring myself to put her down. I had done it with many other pets...but I just could not with Midnight.

    On the day I knew she would not survive, I dug her a hole in the back yard. She watched me do it, but could barely move.

    We went to dinner with Mom & Dad that afternoon, and when we got back home there she was...about 4 feet from the hole. She had dragged herself that close before giving up the ghost.

    She knew it was for her. Damn, that animal was smart! (million stories)

    I have kicked myself a hundred times for letting her get that sick before putting her out of her misery. I was selfish, and blind to what was best for her.

    I'll never do that again.
