

Carrie Craig
For our White Elephant Gift exchange, Carrie got a can of fish assholes
in a cheese sauce. Do you think we'll see that again next year?

I am re posting the meaning of my name one more time. In a time far away, and a city a couple of hundred miles from here, I worked in a gas station. It was a Phillips 66 station and it was owned by my brother-in-law, Rich. My sister would stop by every once in a while and in the back of the station wagon were the loves of my life, Janet and Carrie. I loved to go out and stick my head up and growl at them and they would shriek and giggle. Most of the time I would get a kiss on the cheek and a hug after our fun.

One hot summer day, I snuck up slowly and I am pretty sure the girls didn't see me. I did my growl bit and they both reacted in the normal manner. Only, this time Carrie got her feet caught up in a blanket and she fell. Back in the day, Station Wagons had fold down seats and across the back of the 2nd seat was a metal trim piece that wouldn't make the safety grade today but hell, most cars then (1962) didn't even have seat belts. As luck would have it, Carrie as she fell hit her mouth on the edge of that seat and broke a couple of teeth.

As she was eating an ice cream bar to sooth the hurt, She sobbed, Mean Uncle Denny! Yep'er, MUD's the name. This story came to you based on a request at the Family party. Yes, as you can see from the picture above, Carrie is a beautiful woman today and has a pretty set of teeth.



  1. Great story and love the picture!

  2. Awww! I knew it meant Mean Uncle Denny, but it's good to hear the story behind it!

  3. MUD, I think I knew that story. But what I do not know is what in the name of all things aquatic is a "fish asshole?"

    Just curious...

  4. I prefer Manhattan style Fish Assholes...

  5. Here I was hoping that one of my southern friends would say them's the generic assholes and not fit to eat. I am pretty sure they were made as a gag gift but they are in the can and I hope they stay there. It did say they were in a cheese sauce but sounds like something that would gag a maggot... MUD

  6. Thanks for clearing that up MUD. I was wondering if I had missed sumpin' in my raising...

    Actually, I have fished with some A-holes, but never really eaten one.

    Wished I had fed some of 'em to the fish...but never partaken myself.

    Funny man...cheese sauce...I've gotta look into that.

  7. That's so funny. I have always known you as Mean Uncle Denny but never heard the story where it originated from. I hate that we missed the Christmas party!
