Today in Pickles, two old men were sitting on a bench complaining that it costs 2 cents to make a penny. One wondered if there was more they should do than sit there and whine. "We are a nation of Whiners" not winners.
Dear Abby's daughter Jean Phillips had a letter from a lady that was complaining that everyone is just enjoying life and she, the consummate ant is saving for the winter days. They are playing grasshopper and have boats, houses at the lake and no sense of tomorrow. I refuse to let that kind of small stuff get me down. I got an education early, worked hard and am now in my retirement years and not wondering where my next meal is coming from. I love to read the funny papers (or the Infantry News as we called it in the Artillery) and have a good laugh. I get to spend a few minutes looking at things people find funny and then go on about my day.
In one article today, a community in New York have an ordinance that baggy pants will no longer be tolerated. There is a $25 dollar fine if you show three or more inches of your underwear. My god, I would glue my pants on a pair of underwear at 2 1/2 inches and wear them just as a form of protest. (Being chicken, I would also carry a tape measure to display my compliance with the law. Geez, I would think the butt crack exposure by old men like me with a big belly and no butt would put us in Jail for life. At least a big fine would ensue.
Whatever you do, see if there isn't something out there that makes you smile. Go pet a dog, feed a kitty or do something that you enjoy. I personally am going to put some deck wash on the redwood today and smile as I think about all the funny things in life. My biggest smile will be because I love the things I have and don't whine at the things I want.
I married my husband because he and I can laugh together...even when we feel beaten down by the day, we can laugh together. As Chuck Swindoll says, we are in charge of our attitudes.
ReplyDeleteAnother good one.
Hmmmm... I'm tempted to send you a plane ticket to New York to see what would happen!
ReplyDeleteAs for the grasshopper and the ant... I've had the attitude of the ant for much of my life and found grasshoppers annoying. That has changed some as I've seen fellow ants and loved ones not enjoy life while they were waiting until retirement and then never get to do any of the things they were working toward because their health failed or their partner died. We just don't know how long we will have what we've got. Live in the moment but don't screw your future in the process.
What you have is what many wish for. I'm glad you are smiling today and I'm glad that you got to the place where you can enjoy things. Not everyone is so lucky.
There is one thing I have learned ....... those that want "more" are never satisfied ....... and they laugh at those of us who are satisfied with what we have .... complaining/explaining we just don't know enough to understand we are lacking.
ReplyDeleteIf that logic makes ANY sense ..... then you should seek a mental 'cologist of some sort. I'll stick with just being happy with what I have I have. Good blog MUD.
Well, i'm not amused. Some 'get it', and many, unforunately, do not. For the first 30 years of my life, I was totally unaware of "positive attitude". It was never served at the dinner table, and it certainly wasn't on the final exams.... go figure. For those fortunate few who don't have a clue what i'm referring to, then please let me share a tidbit;
ReplyDeleteMid way through high school, I was max-ed out at a towering 5' 4". I didn't mind it, but it seemed everybody else had a problem accepting it, especially the females. One friday evening, a 5' 10" class mate set me up for a blind date. I was jazzed when we parked our car at the local hangout and was standing on a corner waiting for our dates to arrive. When they fiinally showed, the cute blond riding shotgun rolled down her window, looked first at me, then at Pat and said' "Hi Pat,.. who ya babysitting?" Needless to say, that afternoon didn't go well. I have since, carried those feels of rejection for nearly my entire adulthood, and just like a concaine addition, unknowingly allowed it to infect nearly everything I touched. Trust me, 30 years of listening to the same sewage, you just don't turn it off at the flick of a switch... and slap-on a 'smiley face' whenever you choose. For many, unforunately, suicide is the ONLY solution.
Seems everybody but the one infected ALWAYS has the right answer... huh?
Dear Anonymous, Go to the nearest mental health center and see if they can help you understand that your reaction to your height is your reaction and that's OK. What you see is what you got. Perception is your reality and perhaps you need to change. If 30 years of life all looks the same to you, you need to find a different rut to be in. To me, each day is a little different. Some are better and some are worse, But, for the most part there is a bunch of fun to be had out there. OK, you were short, you can't change that. I have a short friend named Charley Brown and he has managed to live, laugh and love like he was 10 feet tall. He just doesn't get it that he is short, because he knows that he is and he doesn't care. If you feel infected, seek a cure. suicide is a final answer only when you don't know the question. You know, so do something for yourself. MUD
ReplyDelete"In one article today, a community in New York have an ordinance that baggy pants will no longer be tolerated. There is a $25 dollar fine if you show three or more inches of your underwear. My god, I would glue my pants on a pair of underwear at 2 1/2 inches and wear them just as a form of protest. (Being chicken, I would also carry a tape measure to display my compliance with the law. Geez, I would think the butt crack exposure by old men like me with a big belly and no butt would put us in Jail for life. At least a big fine would ensue. "
ReplyDeleteThat was soooo funny!
BTW, I quoted you and gave you credit for the quote on my blog (http://merriemelody.blogspot.com/2008/07/too-funny_22.html) I hope that you don't mind.
Thanks for the laugh!
You are what you make of yourself. Nothing is predetermined for you. I hope Anon. above found himself a nice short gal or a tall one that didn't mind. I'm just under 5'4" (5' 3 3/4" thankyouverymuch) and I would not have turned a guy down just because he was short. Why would you want someone who is obviously so hung up on appearances anyway? Just figure your height has actually helped you weed out shallow girls.
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of short people who get along just fine in life. Dh's dad and grandpa are two I know. FIL is 5' 5" and his dad was about the same and shrinking as he got older. They've never had a chip on their shoulders or let it keep them from being happy and successful. I've seen plenty of short people who do have that chip on their shoulders and the bad attitude that goes with it. Their problem is not their short stature but their stunted character.
Don't blame your parents, either. Some of us have an advantage in our upbringing, and I feel for those who did not have such happy circumstances. Who you are now is entirely up to you, though. I have seen people who suffered poverty and abuse and all sorts of horrible things as children grow up to be successful and happy adults who do not allow their past to dictate their present or their future.
Now what the heck was this post about? Was it the Obamas as terrorist and Muslim cover?