

Not in my farthest thoughts did I think we had as much stuff as we do. With our marathon cleaning for our visitors, we have gone places and seen things that have not seen the light of day in years. The Master Gardner likes to send Christmas presents to the grand kids and try to buy things on sale after Christmas for the next year. That leads to all sorts of things that get overlooked. Not to mention I'm pretty sure she thinks all the toys she kept from our son will some day be valuable. We were headed towards a good thing until Star Wars was brought back and that original set of figures were replaced by a whole bunch of guys with new names. There was a box of stuff that we sent to Morocco that got returned also.

There was one seat sized sheet of Lambs wool that had Mr Petty written on the back of it. Neither Barb nor I could remember me ever having such a critter. Then it dawned to me that my Dad was also Mr Petty and he used it in the seat of his wheel chair. Duh Dennis!

For Father's day my son gave me a gift certificate to a very good local meat market. I am always grilling something up for them and I'm sure that they know that giving something that I will share will pay big dividends. I went there yesterday and bought two Porterhouse steaks and a rack of pre-cooked ribs. Danged if I didn't have to get out some money to pay extra. Those great big porterhouses cost $39 and with tax the whole mess came to $59. Oh well, I can hardly wait to smack those steaks on the grill tomorrow. Got some Chicken for the distaff side. I am going to try some terriacki sauce this time for the marinade instead of the Italian dressing. Wednesday will be a wild rice salad with some of the chicken, grapes, water chestnuts a light dressing (I like to add balsamic vinegar ad sugar to mayonnaise) and a final sprinkle of cashews as each serving comes to the table.

What kind of coffee do you like? I am pretty much a normal Colombian blend kind of guy and brink it black. Evey once in a while I like to go down the custom mix aisle and blend up something special. I did that yesterday and now the whole damn kitchen smell like some kind of chocolaty almond kind of Foo Foo coffee. The smell was so strong that I made a pot this morning and with some sugar and a little cream it would make a wonderful dessert. Oh well, I'll probably drink about half a pot and throw this stuff out.

Some day I'll recount my caffeine problems but for today, I'll just move on to the final once over with the dust rag and a re-mop of the kitchen floor.



  1. I can't drink those weird coffees that are flavored things like "chocolate" and "cinnamon" and "caramel." They all taste terrible to me. I usually drink any kind of good quality coffee (Like KC Roasterie) that's also cheap (last weekend I found a 2.5 lb bag of medium roast arabica beans at Sams Club for $12.50). I thought all that was well and fine until my husband threw a fit and made me start buying fair trade coffee...I didn't know there was such a thing!

    By the way, I've been coming here a few days and I like your blog. I grew up in Kansas and a lot of my family grew up around here. My great-grandfather had a dairy farm in Moran and my dad's family moved around all over Kansas. It's really nice to find a blog that someone in the midwest writes (with a distinctly midwest writing style) rather than a blog written by a Perez Hilton soundalike. Thanks!

  2. Okay - I admit it - I don't drink coffe. Or tea. Or any other HOT or warm drink. I basically drink water. I am a cheap date!

    Can I come to your house for the steaks? They make my mouth water just thinking about it!

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "Foo Foo" coffee - I will be using that term from now on. I love it!!

    I like Gevalia Peruvian Organic - which has gone away in my cutting out all but the essentials.
    ~Mad(elyn) in Alabama

  4. Millstone - if you have it where you live - makes a fabulous French Roast. I like very, very strong, dark, heady coffee. Your wild rice salad sound delish! [Minus the chicken for me, though. Do not eat anything with feathers...] And looking forward to getting Porterhouse steaks for DH when we are on leave to the States next month! [Don't eat beef, either. Pork yes. Fish/seafood, yes. No beef, no poultry. Has to do with taste buds for the beef... Too long of a saga as to the feathered thing.]

  5. I haven't had any coffee in quite some time. Espresso, yes, coffee, no.

    Every morning I drink two 24 ounce lattes from Seattle Drip, our neighborhood coffee joint. I bounce around like a seven year old at a sleepover afterwards, too.

  6. I like whichever Folger's blend is cheapest. I sprinkle a little cinnamon in the grounds and sometimes add a bit of vanilla before. Danny hates it when I foo foo up the coffee. Hey, whoever makes it can make it however they want. He is making coffee more often now. I like my coffee with two spoons of sugar and cream. Cream skimmed off the top of farm fresh milk is the best, but I like store bought whipping cream too. I cut back to half and half a while back and now am down to whole milk. It isn't as good, but it's probably better for me. Have you ever read the ingredient list in whipping cream and half and half? It isn't just cream or cream and milk! They add extra stuff to it. I think carageenan is one of the ingredients.

  7. Oh, a half packet of Swiss Miss and a sprinkle of cinnamon is good in place of the sugar, too.

  8. mmmm...foo foo coffee! I love it! But if I happen to find myself on a frac job in the middle of the permian basin with nothing but an overcooked kettle of folgers that was brewed at 3am when the crew arrived on location...well, I drink that too...with a smile on my face.

  9. One time a long time ago, we were on a fishing trip. Someone forgot to load up the coffee pot. I took the gallon worm can and rinsed it out in the lake. I filled it up with water from a nearby spring and made coffee in that can. The rest of the guys drank every drop of that coffee and almost to a man said it was the best they ever had. MUD
