
Painting the House

This morning my son Dave came with me to the Valley Brooke house and we taped the windows so we could use a spray painter to put a coat of paint on that house. About three hours of getting ready and about 2 hours of painting. Man does it ever go fast and look good. About a half hour of picking up and unmasking the windows when finished and it was all done. With a roller and a brush I figure it would have taken most of the weekend.

I sure appreciate the help I got from Dave and I appreciate all the comments I found on my previous posts. Makes a feller feel like someone at least reads my stuff.

Did I read that two Dogs proposed to Bean? Man I'll bet that will be a fun couple. I wish them the best. I'll try not to get political when I publish my food pornography. Must be getting old whe I think food is better than sex.



  1. Man, I proposed to Bean in December of 2006. If she is lucky, I will marry her in 2036.

  2. Well now MUD .... on the food and sex thing ... I've over eaten many times in my life .... but never ONCE had too much sex!!!!!!!
